how does caste affect politics?

Caste effects politics in the following ways-

1. Parties and Leaders often choose canidate, according to the caste, in the propotion of the electorate. This is done to win as much support as possible.

2. Many parties are known to support ceratin caste and are seen as their representatives.

3. Parties and leader try to gain vote by using caste sentiment and appealing to the voters in the name of the caste.

4. Political parties take care to give fair representations to various castes and tribes in the council of minister.

5. People of the same caste vote as a whole for a candidate of the same caste

  • 56

India has been infested with caste system since the British invaded. All castes to save their faiths and beliefs tried to save themselves in this manner but the British took advantage of the sectionalism and the caste system went deep into the Indian politics. It has severely affected the Indian politics all these years but now with better education and development its effect is wading

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Caste effects politics in the following ways- 1. Parties and Leaders often choose candidate according to the caste, in the proportion of the electorate. This is done to win as much support as possible. 2. Many parties are known to support certain caste and are seen as their representatives. 3. Parties and leader try to gain vote by using caste sentiment and appealing to the voters in the name of the caste. 4. Political parties take care to give fair representations to various castes and tribes in the council of minister. 5. People of the same caste vote as a whole for a candidate of the same caste.
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Bhaio sst m hath thoda Tang h ! SORY,😑😑😑😝
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