how democracy lead to peaceful and harmonius life among citizens.explain?

1)  Democracy is a better form of government when compared to other government systems due to many reasons
2)  They promote equality among citizens and it enhances the dignity of the individuals
3)  It improves the quality of decision making, and hence, it provides a method to resolve conflicts.
4)   Democratic government is accountable to the citizens and hence responsive to the needs and welfare of citizens
5)  Democracies conduct free and fair elections and hence, it is evident that democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens  

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Every individual wantd yo receive respect from fellow beings. Often conflicts aridr amonh individuals because some feel that they are not treated with dur respect. the passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. if there is any conflict between communities or individuals democracy id morr successful in solving them as compared to any other form of government. Also in non democratic form of government social differences are suppressed internally...
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