HF is polar while F2 is nonpolar.Explain

F2 is non polar because both the bonding atoms are same thus there is no electronegativity difference between the atoms. Thus the electron pair will lie exactly in the middle of the two atoms thus there is no generation of poles. That is why F2 is non polar.

HF is  polar because both the bonding atoms are not same thus there is an electronegativity difference between the atoms which results in the development of poles in the molecules since the electron pair will not lie exactly in the middle of the two atoms because F being more electronegative attract the pair of electron towards itself thus this part of molecule acquire slight negative charge and the other end acquire slight positive charge. Hence two poles develop and the molecule is said to be polar covalent molecule.

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HF is polar because hydrogen and flourine has not same electronegativity . Flourine attracts the electron pair toward it due to its more electronegativity . But in F2 there are two same atoms added each other . As their electronegativity are same so F2 is nonpolar

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