"Good fictions job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable "
How does this apply to the grandmother after she had finished reading Kashi yatre? Explain with an example

The grandmother never went to school. She was totally illiterate.  However, she was determined to learn the Kannada language to read Kashi Yatre herself. In the story, there was an orphan girl, who wanted to marry but had no money. The old lady gave all the money she had saved for her Kashi visit to the girl. This act of sacrificing pleased the grandmother the most. She identified herself with the protagonist whose ardent desire to visit Kashi and sacrifice for others had a great impact on the narrator. So, with her passion, she came out with flying colors. She could now read Kashi Yatre on her own. In this way, the good fiction she read has motivated her. 

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