Give two instances to show that the French love their language

Dear Student,

When the order got passed that only German would be taught in the schools, it so happened that it was Mr. Franz's last French lesson. The class was in full attendance that day, the back benches were occupied by villages who had specially came that day and felt sorry for not having attended the earlier lessons on French, a language that defined them. Mr. Franz got emotional about his last day and exclaimed with pride how wonderful a language French was. According to him, it is the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest and most logical one. Students were emotional about him leaving the school and they no longer getting a chance to learn their language. Also when the class got over and Mr. Franz was leaving, he wrote 'Vive La France' on the board, that meant long live France, showing the spirit of patriotism in him and his pride in the French language.


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