give me advantages of small family

  1. ज़िम्मेदारियाँ कम हो जाती हैं।
  2. परिवार की आवश्यकताएँ कम हो जाती हैं।
  3. छोटे से स्थान पर सुविधापूर्वक रहा जा सकता है।
  4. शिक्षा तथा बढ़ने के अच्छे अवसर प्रदान होते हैं।
  5. धन का कम व्यय होता है।

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1.In a smaller family with fewer children, the parents can dedicate more time to each individual child.  This can lead to more academic success.  If the child is having difficulty with school work or with homework, the parent will have the time to give to the child to help him or her work through it.  

2.They can also work on enrichment activities with them or do whatever needs to be done if they are having difficulty with a subject.  They may also be able to take them to educational places such as museums and so forth.  They will have the time and might be able to better afford it with just a few children.  All of these things can help the child do better at school.

3.The family might have more money to dedicate to the child. The larger a family is, the more the money will have to be split between all of the children.  This might mean less extracurricular and enriching activities.  If a child in a smaller family needs extra help, the family will be more likely to be able to pay for things like tutoring or classes at a learning center.  All of these things may place them at an advantage in school. The parent might recognize quicker if there is a problem.

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 If you want it in hindi then you can translate it from the google translater.

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