From the following information about an economy, calculate ( i) its equilibrium level of national income, and ( ii ) savings at equilibrium level of national income.

Consumption Function : C = 200 + 0.9 Y

Investment Expenditure : I = 3000

The answer given in the book is : Saving= Rs 3200, Equilibrium Income = Rs 32000

C = 200 + 0.9 Y
I = 3000

i) ​Equilibrium is struck when, Y= C + I
Y= 200 + 0.9 Y+ 3000
0.1Y = 3200
Therefore, ​equilibrium level of national income is 32,000.

ii) At Y = 32,000
C = 200 + 0.9 Y
C = 200 + 0.9 × 32,000
C= 29,000

S = Y - C
S = 32,000 - 29,000
S = 3,000

savings at equilibrium level of national income​ is 3,000.


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