Find the greatest number of 5 digits exactly divisible by 12,15,36

  • 12

the LCM of 12 , 15 , 36 is 540 ...........

100000 / 540 ...... =185.18......

so , 185 * 540 =99900.....
 186 * 540 =100440.....

therefore ........ I thnk the largest 5-digit no. divisible by 10,15,36 is 99900 ...........

  • -1

 First we will find the LCM of 12,15 and 36

By prime Factorisation,




Now, LCM= 22*32*5

We will find that the LCM is 180

Now, Largest 5 digit number= 99999

Dividing this number by LCM, we get,


Now we will multiply 180 by 555

We will get 99900

We will check now and observe,




Hence 99900 is the greatest 5 digit number divisible by 12,15 and 36.

  • 45

Find the least number of 5 digits which is exactly divisible by 5, 10, 15. 25.

  • 10

 find the greatest number of 5 digits exactaly divible by 25

  • -3
LCM of 12, 15 & 36 = 180 Now, greatest 5 digit no.= 99999 Therefore, we'll divide 99999 by 180. Thus, we get remainder= 99 So, we'll subtract 99 from 99999 Therefore, new dividend= 99999-99 = 99900 99900 is exactly divisible by 180 Hence, it will also be exactly divisible by 12, 15 & 36 as 180 is their LCm
  • 12
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