Factorise the expression as directed:

(5p2 - 25p + 20) :(p - 1)

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  • 2

= (5p2 - 25p + 20 ) / (p-1) ( " / " means divide )

= 5 (p2 - 5p + 4 ) / (p-1)

= 5 (p2 -p -4p + 4) / (p-1) ( middle term factorisation )

= 5 p (p-1) -4 (p-1) / (p-1)

= 5 (p-4) (p-1) / (p-1) (now we will cut)

= 5 (p-4) ( after cutting 5 (p-4) (p-1) / (p-1) we get 5 (p-4)

so, the answer is 5(p-4)

  • 6
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