explain water cycle in nature with the diaagram?

The cyclic process through which water circulates in the environment is called the water cycle. Evaporation is the process through which water is converted into water vapor. Heat or sunlight converts water into water vapor. Water is also emitted from the leaves of the plants through the process of transpiration. This water vapor in the atmosphere condenses to form clouds through the process of condensation.When enough water is condensed to form clouds, it falls down on the surface of the Earth in the form of rain, snow, hail, etc. This process is known as precipitation. The water that falls down as precipitation runs through the rivers and seeps underground. It also flows off the surface as surface run off to join low-lying water bodies. In this manner, water is circulated in the environment.

 hope u got it!!!

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The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle (also known as the hydrologic cycle) is the journey water takes as it circulates from the land to the sky and back again.

The Sun 's heat provides energy to evaporate water from the Earth 's surface (oceans, lakes, etc.). Plants also lose water to the air (this is called transpiration). The water vapor eventually condenses, forming tiny droplets in clouds. When the clouds meet cool air over land, precipitation (rain, sleet, or snow) is triggered, and water returns to the land (or sea). Some of the precipitation soaks into the ground. Some of the underground water is trapped between rock or clay layers; this is called groundwater. But most of the water flows downhill as runoff (above ground or underground), eventually returning to the seas as slightly salty water.

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Water molecules change into water vapour and move into the atmosphere by the process of evaporation. The excess water absorbed by plant roots is released through the pores on the surface of leaves by the process of transpiration. The process by which water vapour rises up, cools down in the higher atmosphere, and forms clouds is called condensation. As condensation proceeds, water vapour changes into water droplets. When enough water droplets accumulate, they fall down as rain. This process is called precipitation. The rain replenishes the water in the lakes, ponds, oceans, and other water bodies. The process of rain water thus entering the soil is known as infiltration. When rain water flows over the surface of land before entering the water bodies, it is called surface runoff. At very low temperatures, water freezes and falls down as hail, snow, or sleet.

Hope it is clear to you now,


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how can each one of us help in making the sewage treatment in our city more efficient !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Water cycle is the process by which water travel from earth's surface to atmosphere and back again
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This is called the natural water cycle – the continuous movement of water between the land, ocean, rivers and creeks and atmosphere. As water moves through thecycle, it changes state from liquid (rainwater, seawater) to gas (water vapour) and back to liquid. Liquid can also freeze and become solid (ice or snow).  
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