Explain the meaning of underlined lines???

Explain the meaning of underlined lines??? A little river. "Over the crick. and there Will bc the wizard's house." And that's the way Roger Skunk went. and pretty soon he c9me. to a little white houses and he rapped on the rapped on the sill. and r the covers Joh tall iignre clenciierutl an infaritiie thrill -zxnd then a tiny lit ile old eatne out, whi e beard and a pointed biue hat, and said. AF,h? umatlis? Whatcher want? You smell awful.- voice was one of JED own favoulite. effects: he did by scrunching up his- face and through his eves, which felt for the interval rheumy• old man suited him. Skunk said. •and all the iutlc annuals run away from mc. The enormous Wise owl said you could help me." "Eh? Well. maybe. Come on in. Don't get too close.' Now, inside, Jo, there were all these magic things, all jumbled (oge(her in a big dusty heap, because the wimrci did not have any cleaning lady." "Why? Because he was a wizard, and a very old man." Nill die. well, he

Dear student,

The given statement means that while Jack held the edge of the window, Jo stood under the sheet and held on to Jack like an excited infant.


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