explain how to solve -

1. cost of a dozen banana is rs. 36 andd cost of 7 oranges is rs. 28 . find the ratio of a cost of a banana to an orange .

2. divide 102 toffees among sachin and deepa in the ration of 8 :9 .

3. divide rs 2000 among A , B and C in the ratio of 2 :3:5 .

4 . a sum of money is to be divided between amit and sumit in the ration of 2:3 . how much will each one get if total amount is rs 5000 .

5. In a school , the ratio of number of boys is 9 :7 . find the number of boys if the total number of students is 3200 .

1. Cost of a dozen bananas = Rs 36

Cost of 1 banana  =

Cost of 7 oranges = Rs 28

Cost of 1 orange  =

Required ratio =


2.  Terms of 8: 9 are 8 and 9 

Sum of terms = 8+9 = 17

Sachin will get of total toffees and Deepa will get

No. of toffees will Sachin get =

and No. of toffees will Deepa get =


3. Terms of 2: 3:5  are 2,3 and 5 

Sum of terms = 2+3+5 = 10

A will get of total Rs.

B will get  and 

C will get

No. of Rs. will A  get =

No. of Rs.  will B get =

No. of Rs.  will C get =


4. Terms of 2: 3 are 2 and 3 

Sum of terms = 2+3 = 5

Amit will get  and Sumit will get

Sum of money will Amit get =

and Sum of money will Sumit get =

5. check the statement of 5th part 

  • -1

1. the cost of 1banana =36/12

  =rs 3

cost of 1orange=28/7

  =rs 4

ans  =3ratio4

  • 0
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