explain digestive system of mosquito with a diagram please....

The insect digestive system is a closed system, with one long enclosed tube (alimentary canal) running lengthwise through the body. The alimentary canal is a one way street – food enters the mouth and gets processed as it travels toward the anus. Each of the three sections of the alimentary canal performs a different process of digestion.

The salivary glands (30) produce saliva, which travels through salivary tubes into the mouth. Saliva mixes with food and begins the process of breaking it down.

The first section of the alimentary canal is the foregut (27) or stomodaeum. In the foregut, initial breakdown of large food particles occurs, mostly by saliva. The foregut includes theBuccal cavity, the esophagus, and the crop, which stores food before it passes to the midgut.

Once food leaves the crop, it passes to the midgut (13) or mesenteron. The midgut is where digestion really happens, through enzymatic action. Microscopic projections from the midgut wall, called microvilli, increase surface area and allow for maximum absorption of nutrients.

In the hindgut (16) or proctodaeum, undigested food particles join uric acid from Malphigian tubules to form fecal pellets. The rectum absorbs most of the water in this waste matter, and the dry pellet is then eliminated through the anus (17).

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 hope this is helpful

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 Digestive System

The digestive system is composed of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, and glands. The esophagus runs adjacent to the air sac from the pharynx, or throat, to the stomach. In mammals, the esophagus is very muscular and moves food to the stomach. In the snake, however, the esophagus has very little muscle and food is moved to the stomach more by movement of the entire body. The junction between the esophagus and the stomach is not well defined, and the stomach itself is not very advanced. It is a short, filiform shape with interior longitudinal folds to increase the surface area for digestion and absorption. The small intestine is likewise relatively simple. There may be a few loops or folds, but for the most part it is a long tube that receives food from the stomach, absorbs nutrients from it, and transports it to the colon, or large intestine. The colon then carries the fecal matter to the cloacal opening where it is disposed. The cloaca is a common chamber, receiving products from the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.

The liver, gall bladder, and pancreas are all associated with the digestive system. The liver is the largest internal organ in a snake, filling the space between the heart and stomach. One of the many functions of the liver is to produce bile, a digestive enzyme. The gall bladder and spleen are found near the posterior tip of the liver. The gall bladder stores bile produced by the liver and releases it into the small intestine when needed. The pancreas also secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine, as well as producing hormones that regulate blood sugar.

hope so this help u 

thumbss up plz..

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this is the answr of your dat snakedigestive system Question...

hope so u dont mind.. sry

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thanks al

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What sorry??

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thanks for the mosquito and snake answer

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Hope this will help you..

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