Experts please check whether i have done 20 questions correctly or not., if some questions are wrong please let me know
Chapter name --- Preposition
Thank you


1. He came here by train
2. This train is running on time. 
3. He said this as an oath.
4. He came on foot.
5 . Don't go out of the sun.
6.  I know him by name
7. He is at work now.
8. she is playing with a sitar
9. Don't go out in the sun.
10. We live on rice.
11. He came to power very soon
12. The food is not to my taste.
13. I met him on the way.
14. Send the news by wire.
15.  He was beaten to death.
16.  He is in power now
17. I did this for you.
18. The proposal is under consideration.
19 I paid him in cash
20. He is fond of sweet


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