Dear student 

The following question tests your creativity and should be attempted on your own. However here are a few useful hints. 

- When it started to rain the previous night, we did not expect that it was going to cause a lot of trouble. 
- It kept raining throughout the night. The next day all the schools were closed. 
- This did not give me any joy because the rain continued for more than 24 hours. 
- Even though we were living in a high rise area, the incessant floods started to bring water into my house. 
- Water started to seep through the gaps under the doors and we started shifting books, electronics and other important items. 
- Thankfully the rain stopped, after raining continuously for 4 days. 
- There was rainwater in the ground floor of my house, up to 1 feet high. 
- We had no power and the food in the fridge got spoilt. All the shops had been closed so we could not go out and buy food. 
- I felt so sad and hungry at the same time. We had nothing to eat for an entire day. 
- Next day, the power came back. I realised how lucky I had been. 
- The entire city was flooded. Some houses were completely submerged and damaged. 
- I thanked god for not putting me through such a great difficulty. 


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every one was sad and dissapointed that our hose got flooded
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my house got flooded

It was a very horrible day when my house got flooded. The water tap was on,  and we went out not knowing that the tap was on. When we came back the whole house had almost 2 inch water. All the things were floating on water like my books, utensils and many more. We took almost 3-4 hours to remove all the water from the house. It was really a horrible day. 
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Good essay on

my house got flooded.
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I need an answer as soon as possible.Please fast
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