error correction:

The jungle was thick and dense.We had to hold on to the vines to avoiding slipping on the mud paths.We had walked for four hours but everyone were tired.the sunwas shining brightly, generating heat and vapour which will soon turn from rain.We were given some bread and cheese.After we had ate,the trip began again.Some of the weaker members were already feeling tiring.

write the error and correction


tiring = tired 

  • -2

This is the corrected passage.

The jungle was thick and dense.We had to hold on to the vines to avoid slipping on the mud path.We had walked for four hours and everyone was tired. The sun was shining brightly, generating heat and vapour, which would soon turn into rain. We were given some bread and cheese. After we had eaten, the trip began again. Some of the weaker members were already feeling tired.



avoiding - avoid

paths - path

but - and

were - was

will - would

from - into

ate - eaten

tiring - tired

Hope this helps!! 

  • 5

@uktarsh paths isnt wrong if there was more than one path ... right ? O_o 







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Thanks guys
  • -1
thank you
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This is correct answer

  • 3
This is a gap filling
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Always use your mind this is very simple
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