Draw a pair of tangents to a circle or radius 3 cm which are inclined to each other at an angle of 60 degree.


  • 8

The tangents can be constructed in the following manner:

Step 1

Draw a circle of radius 5 cm and with centre as O.

Step 2

Take a point A on the circumference of the circle and join OA. Draw a perpendicular to OA at point A.

Step 3

Draw a radius OB, making an angle of 120° (180° − 60°) with OA.

Step 4

Draw a perpendicular to OB at point B. Let both the perpendiculars intersect at point P. PA and PB are the required tangents at an angle of 60°.


The construction can be justified by proving that ∠APB = 60°

By our construction

∠OAP = 90°

∠OBP = 90°

And ∠AOB = 120°

We know that the sum of all interior angles of a quadrilateral = 360°

∠OAP + ∠AOB + ∠OBP + ∠APB = 360°

90° + 120° + 90° + ∠APB = 360°

∠APB = 60°

This justifies the construction.

  • 18

 ? stands for degree

  • 4

Dude, thanks! :D

  • 0

but why did you take radius of 5 cm, when in the question, it clearly states 3?

  • 9
Mohil answer is write....
  • -3
Plz ans
  • -5
Draw a circle if radius 4cm. Draw two tangents to the circle inclined at an angle of 60°to each other.
  • -6
  A pair of tangent can be constructed to a circle inclined at an angle of 170 degree
  • -1
What about inclination of tangents at 120 degree. Is that possible
  • 0
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