Doing nothing but collect garbage can become a art. Justify?

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Doing nothing but collect garbage can become a art. Justify? How much do you agree with this? gave us no grain," say a group of women in tattered saris when I ask them why they left their beautiful land of green fields and rivers. Wherever they find food, they pitch their ents that become transit homes. Children grow up in them, becoming partners in survival. And survival in Seemapuri eans rag-picking. Through the years, it has acquired the proportions of a fine art. Garbage to them is gold. It is their daily bread, a roof over their heads, even if it is a leaking roof. But for a child it is even more.

Dear student,

For the ragpickers of Seemapuri, collecting garbage and digging through it for gold has become an art. It was their means of income. It has been compared to art because the people have been practicing it for ages and they have even taught their children to do it from a very young age.


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