Disguised unemployment id a hidden danger for our economy. Do you agree with the statement. Give reasons.

Dear student,

a. Disguised unemployment is a phenomenon where more people are employed than actually required with no significant change in the production
b.  Primary sector largely  faces disguised or underemployment , where more people are involved than actually required , making no significant contribution to the production.
c. It is certainly a hidden danger ,  and has a negative effect on our economy  impacting the GDP at large.
d. It imposes great pressure on the land. 
For example in the agriculture sector, there are large number of people employed in small plots of land than actually required making no significant contribution to the overall productivity. Here people are working much less than their potential, because of the size of the plot which is acting as a constraint due to which they cannot contribute to the fullest.
e.  Large section of people continue to be employed in the primary sector because of lack of opportunities and also lack of awareness.
f. It leads to stagnation and wastage of human resources.
g People work below their optimum capacities.
h. This impacts employment in other sectors.
i. The productivity per person is marginal or negative
j.  It is certainly detrimental to the growth of economy.



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