discuss the contribution of the palas in the field of language and literature.

1)  By 8th century, Bengal became the centre of Palas and between 14th and 16th centuries, it was ruled by Sultans
2)  Bangla language was born during the reign of Palas. For instance, the Buddhist texts of the Charyapada were the earliest form of Bangla language. Texts on every field like medicine, philosophy, epics etc were compiled during the Pala rule.
3) Texts on philosophy, medicine, like Agama Shastra, Chikitsa Samgraha,  Sushrata, Kalaviveka etc were some of them. The great epic Ramacharitam written by Sandhyakar Nandi, who was the court poet of Madanapala was another example for Pala literature
4) The copper plate inscriptions provided great literary value to the people and scholars

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