Differentiate between

  1. Inductive effect and Mesomeric effect
  2. Inductive effect and Electromeric effect

[If possible please give >5 points]

Electromeric effect can be defined as the transfer of electrons from a double bond or an atom with a lone pair of electrons to an adjacent single bond.When the inductive effect and the electromeric effect operate in the same molecule, electromeric effect dominates the inductive effect.
Inductive effect produced due to the pulling of electron towards different atoms.


inductive effect is permanent effect whereas electromeric is temporary effect.inductive occurs in sigma bond & electromeric occurs in pie bonds.
no outside attacking reagent is required in inductive effect whereas electromeric need it. in inductive effect partial transfer of charges take place whereas in electromeric complete transfer of charges take place.

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Inductive effect - effect of electronegativity, transmitted through intermediate sigma bonds. For example, chloroacetic acid is stronger than acetic acid, because the electron pulling effect of Cl stabilises the accumulation of negative charge on the anion.

Mesomeric effect - effect of resonance, transmitted through conjugated bonds. For example, the OH group of a phenol is strongly activating and ortho, para - directing towards electrophilic substitution in a benzene ring because of the interaction between oxygen lone pairs and the ring; you can write valence structures with a double bond between O and C, a positive charge on O, and a negative charge on the ortho or para ring carbon.

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