differentiate between antherozoid and egg cell

S.No Antherozoid Egg cell
1. Antherozoid is the male gamete produced by the plants. These antherozoids are produced inside a globular structure called antheridia. Each antherozoid has a whip like hair or flagella with the help of which it can move. Egg cell is considered as female gamete which carries X chromosome.They are largest cell, with round round or oval in shape.It  can survive barely 12-24 hours inside the fallopian tube.


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Antherozoid in general is the MALE GAMETE.
In plants, it is also know an POLLEN GRAINS or the male germ cell 
In humans, it is commonly called as SPERMS.
It is produced by the male reproductive system

Egg cell is also known as the OVUM. It, in general is the FEMALE GAMTE.
It is developed by the female reproductive structures/system
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