difference between signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of a disease are related terms but still there are many differences between the signs and symptoms of a disease. Some of these are:

Signs are indicative conditions or factors which the doctor sees.Symptoms are the conditions and characters which the person feels.
Signs are objective. They are visible and can be quantified and verified.Symptoms are subjective. They are not physically visible and can not be verified.
For example: High temperature, Rapid pulse rate, low blood pressure, wound, etc. are the signs of a disease.For example: Chills, shivering, nausea, shaking, dizziness, tiredness are the symptoms of the disease.

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Symptoms of disease are the

things we feel as being wrong. So we have aheadache, we have cough, we have loosemotions, we have a wound with pus; theseare all symptoms. These indicate that theremay be a disease, but they dont indicate whatthe disease is. For example, a headache maymean just examination stress or, very rarely,it may mean meningitis, or any one of a dozendifferent diseases.Signs of disease are what physicians willlook for on the basis of the symptoms. Signswill give a little more definite indication ofthe presence of a particular disease.Physicians will also get laboratory tests doneto pinpoint the disease further.symptoms of a disease constitute the signs of the disease
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