difference between eukrayotes and prokrayotes




Size of the cell

Small in size

Vary is size, generally larger than prokaryotes


Nucleus with nuclear membrane is absent

A well-defined nucleus with nuclear membrane is present

Membrane-enclosed organelles

Organelles like mitochondria and plastids, which have a membrane around them are absent

Membrane-enclosed organelles like mitochondria and plastids are present

Cell wall

Cell wall is usually present in prokaryotes and is composed of peptidoglycan

Cell wall is usually present in plant cells and is composed of cellulose

Genetic material

Present as nucleoid

Present inside the nucleus

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Prokaryotic cells:

  • Most primitive, earliest form of life
  • Do not have a pre-defined nucleus
  • Chromosomes are dispersed in the cytoplasm
  • Contain no membrane-bound organelles
  • Have circular chromosomes and lack histone proteins
  • Most metabolically diverse
  • Small - typically 1 - 5 micrometers in diameter
  • Have a primitive cytosketetal structures or don't have a cytoskeleton at all
  • Smaller (70S) ribosomes
  • Don't undergo meiosis but reproduce sexually by the transfer of DNA fragments through conjugation

Eukaryotic cells:

  • More complex, evolved organsims
  • Contain true nuclei in which chromosomes are compacted as chromatin
  • Contain membrane-boundorganelles
  • Have linear DNA and contain histone proteins
  • Larger - typically 10-100 micrometers in diameter
  • Have a complex cytosketeton
  • Larger (80S) ribosom
  • Reproduce sexually with the use of meiosis


There are two main differences. 
(1) Prokaryotes(P) do not contain membrane bounded organelles while eukaryotes(E) do. 
(2)(P) have circular DNA and nuclear content aggregated in their cytoplasm while (E) have a nucleus within which the nuclear content is stored.
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 hope it helped...thumbs up plz...

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