determine the point on graph of linear equation 2x+5y=19, whose ordinate is1 1/2 times its abscissa.

According to the given statement, y - coordinate = 1 1/2 (X-coordinate) = 3/2 of X. Now, the value of y in eq. 2x+5y=19 will be = 3/2 of X. Therefore, 2x+5y=19 2x+5×3/2x = 19 2x+15x/2 = 19 2x+15x = 38 17x = 38 x = 38/17 = 2 (approx) Hence, the point is (2,3). Now place it on the graph. Hope, you understand it very well.
  • 25
you are an genious 
  • -3
you are a genious, trust me it's ironical
  • -4
can u please show graph 
  • -5
How x = 3/5 came ?? Poor answer :)
  • -3
  • -3
How did 2x +3y =38 came
  • -3
How 3/2 x came

  • 4
X=2 Y=3 Ordinate is one and a half times abscissa. Y=1.5x 3=1.5×2
  • 2
X=2 , Y=3 2(2)+5(3)=19 Ordinate is one and a half times its abscissa... Y=1.5x 3=1.5×2
  • 1
Given- 2x+5y=19 So,2x+5y-19=0 (1) And given that, y=1 1/2x Therefore y=3/2x So, 2x=3y 2x-3y=0 (2) On comparing (1) and (2) We get 2x+5y-19=3x-2y Solving it, 7y=19+x Now putting x=2 We get 7y=19+2 7y=21 y=3 So we get coordinates (2 , 3)

  • 9
  • 2
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