describe the different members of the otis family

Mr Hiram B Otis was an American Minister who bought Canterville Chase, with the furniture and the ghost at valuation. He was a modern man without any old world superstitions. His wife, Mrs Otis, who as Miss Lucretia R Tappan had been a celebrated New York belle of West 53rd Street, was now an exceptionally handsome, middle-aged woman with fine eyes and superb profile. Unlike most of her American compatriots who on leaving native soil adopt an appearance of chronic ill-health mistaking it to be the visage of European refinement, Mrs Otis was of a robust constitution and possessed a wonderful amount of animal spirits. In many respects, she was quite English and an excellent example of the fact that the English and the Americans had everything in common, except language. Her eldest son christened Washington in a moment of patriotism, was a fair-haired, rather good looking young man who had qualified himself for American diplomacy by leading the German at the Newport Casino for three successive seasons and even in London was renowned as a dancer. Gardenias and peerage were his only weaknesses but otherwise he was extremely sensible. Miss Virginia E Otis was a little girl of fifteen, lithe and lovely, with fine blue eyes and an independent spirit. She was a wonderful Amazon who had once raced Lord Bilton on her pony twice round the park, winning by a length and a half. She had captured the heart of the young Duke of Chesire who proposed on the spot and was sent back to Eton that very night by his guardians. The twins followed after Virginia, usually called The Star and Stripes as they were always getting swished. They were delightful boys and with the exception of the minister, the only true republicans in the family.

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