define-1. slow change 2. fast change

ans needed urgently

  • Slow changes - Changes which come abou gradually, after a long time are called slow changes. E.g. : Ripening of fruits, Growing of humans.


  • Fast changes - Changes which don't take a lot of time and happen quickly are called fast changes. E.g. : Burning of crackers, tearing of paper.

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slow change - changes which are very slow are called slow changes

fast change - changes which are fast slow are called fast changes

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Fast Change  : Done with delaying . Doing things quickly within the less time.. e.g machines, computers. 


Slow Change : Moving or operating or designed to do only at a low speed  that is at a slow pace. eg : seasonal changes, i.e. not rapidly.

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Sorry There's a mistake,

Fast Change : Done without delaying.  Doing things quickly within the less time... e.g. machines, computers etc.

Slow change : Moving  or operating or designed to do only at a low speed that is at a slow pace. e.g. seasonal changes, i.e. not rapidly

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"Both are dependent on reaction rate."

fast change: a change which takes place at a very fast rate.

that is, very quickly, or you can say vigorous reactions.

eg: combustion of many organic compounds like butane, or even wood


slow change: a change which is not even noticed or a reaction whiuch takes palce very slowly.

eg: rusting

hope it helps!!


thumbs up plzz...

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  • Slow changes : Changes which come about gradually, after a long period of time, are called slow changes. E.g : Ripening of fruits.


  • Fast changes : Changes which don 't take a lot of time and happen quickly are called fast changes, i.e, changes which take place at a very fast rate. E.g : Burning of crackers.
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