Contrast the 'elections' in ancient time with present-day 'Panchayat elections'.

Dear Student,
Elections in Ancient time Modern village panchayat
a. In Ancient time, rulers were chosen by the jana, the people. Rulers in the Janapadas were chosen on the basis of performance of certain rituals like the horse sacrifice, where the rajas of different kingdoms fought with each other to establish their power and declare their supremacy.

  Modern  Panachyat system in India has  three tier system with Gram Sabha at the core, comprising of all adult members of the village.

b.  The cholas also established a proper system of elections at the village level , which included the village assembly elected for an year. One may give example of Uttaramerur inscriptions.


Powers in the present system are divided between centre, state and at the village level. There is clear cut distribution of power and resources among the three levels
c. The assemblies  in the ancient time comprised of villagers, Brahmins and its works was supervised by the central administration.From each wards members were nominated for village council. At the core exist the Gram Sabha, which elects and supervises the work of Gram Panchayat, then there exist Pnachayat samiti at the block level or mandal  which supervises and coordinates the work of Gram panchayats. At the district level there exist Zilla Parishad.


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