contrast the behavioural pattern in a zoo with the tiger in a natural habitat

The poem contrasts a tiger in a zoo with a tiger in its natural habitat. The two situations are totally different. In the zoo, he moves around quietly on his velvet pad. Although he remains angry inside the cage, yet he cannot do anything. He remains quiet as he is helpless. He is locked in a concrete cell, so all his strength becomes useless. He cannot sleep properly because he feels disturbed by the visitors and the patrolling cars. He only stares at the sky helplessly as if he is wondering why he has been imprisoned there. He cannot show his power as he is behind the bars. This situation is completely different in the jungles. He can roam around freely. He shows the white fangs and claws while moving. He becomes the cause of terror for the innocent villagers. At night he moves around slowly through the long grass and waits for some fleshy deer.

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