Can i get important dates of socialism in europe and the russian revolution

Here is a timeline.

1789: The beginning of the French Revolution.
1814: Defeat of Napoleon in Waterloo and the reinstatement of conservative monarchies across Europe.
1848: Publication of Communist Manifesto.
1848: Revolutions against monarchies throughout Europe.
1905: Establishment of the Labour Party by socialists and trade unions in Britain.
1905: Russian Revolution that tried to establish a constitutional monarchy in Russia. This revolution failed.
1917: The February Revolution that ended the monarchy in Russia. The October Revolution that established communism in Russia.
Socialism in Russia:- 
Prior to 1914 every political party here was illegal
 1898: Illegal Operation of  The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party due to government policing.
 Through the help of newspapers the party mobilised workers and also organized strikes.
 In 1900 through the efforst of many socialists Socialist Revolutionary Party.
 This party stood for the  peasant’s rights and also demanded the transfer of lands from the nobles to the peasants.
  Bolshevik group  was led by Vladimir Lenin  who  believed that in a repressive society, party should be disciplined
 The Mensheviks came at the scene who advocated for  the entry for all in the party.  

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1917 russian revolution started
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