Calculate number of atoms in 52g of Helium

The molar mass that is the mass of 6.022 X 1023 atoms of helium is 4g. 

Hence 1 mole of He = 4 g of He = 6.022 X 1023 atoms of  He

 1 g of He = (6.022 X 1023) / 4 atoms of  He

52 g of He = (6.022 X 1023X 52 ) / 4 atoms of  He

 = 7.829 X 1024 atoms of He

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4g of He has 1 mole
1g of He has 1/4 mole
52g of He has 1/4x52 = 13 moles

1 mole=6.022x10^23atoms


Atomic mass of Helium is 4u = 2protons + 2 Neutrons = 1 atom
No. of atoms in 52u = 52/4 = 13 atoms

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Atomic mass of Helium is 4u = 2protons + 2 Neutrons = 1 atom
No. of atoms in 52u = 52/4 = 13 atoms

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atomic mass of He is 4 i.e.
4 contains 1 atom.
Hence, 52 a.m.u contains 52/4 = 13 atoms.........

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