Both Amoeba and paramecium are unicellular heterotrophs, yet their mode
of ingestion of food is different. Explain how.


Amoeba forms finger-like projections called pseudopodia (meaning false feet). Pseudopodia help the amoeba in moving and capturing food.

When an Amoeba senses its prey, it pushes out its pseudopodia around its prey and engulfs it. The food thus eaten gets trapped in the food vacuole. An Amoeba feeds on algae, rotifers, protozoans, and even other small Amoeba.

Digestive juices are secreted inside the food vacuole in an Amoeba. These juices act on the food and break it down into smaller components. The digested food is later absorbed by the Amoeba for growth, maintenance, and multiplication. The waste material or undigested food is then expelled out of the body.

Paramecium posses hair-like structures known as cilia, they use cilia to capture and engulf their food. 
In Paramecium, food is ingested through a definite cell mouth. The cilia present all over the body move continuously to push the food particles along the water current. The food entering inside collects to form a food vacuole. Digestion of food occurs inside this food vacuole. The undigested food is removed through a definite anal spot.


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