"Assertion of social diversities in a country need not ba seen as a source of danger". Explain

social diversities, often, are taken to be a major threat to democracy. but the situation is not so. especially when it is the case of a democratic country, trifles arise when communities are discriminated against each other. but democracy ensures that there is no such oppression or haegemony on minorities. thus, social diversity is not a red signal unless and untill the government starts oppressive laws. social diversity is always a welcome as it ensures that greater options come for governing the nations.

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1.political expression of social division is healthy it allows various disadvantaged social groups to share their views...
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The assertion of social diversities is infact healthy as it helps in a rich cultural diversities. It leads to rich cultural heritage. These social diversities can only be harmful when they are expressed in politics to make political gains. When two political parties use social diversity as their only way of competing then in this case they are a great threat to a country, especially India where there is a vast social diversity. Hope this helps!!!!
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social diversities, often, are taken to be a major threat to democracy. but the situation is not so. especially when it is the case of a democratic country, trifles arise when communities are discriminated against each other. but democracy ensures that there is no such oppression or haegemony on minorities. thus, social diversity is not a red signal unless and untill the government starts oppressive laws. social diversity is always a welcome as it ensures that greater options come for governing the nations. Was this answer helpful2373
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The assertion of social diversities in a country need not be seen as sources of danger . In democracy political expression of social division is very noemal and can be healthy. This allows various disadvantage and marginal social group to express their grievances and get government to attend to these. Expression of various kimd of social division in politics often result in their cancelling one another out and thus reducing their intensity...

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Expression of various kinds of social division in a politics often result in cancelling one and other reducing their intensity leading to more strengthening of a democracy
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