Assertion: Human being has a complex respiratory system.
Reason: Human skin is impermeable to gases.

Dear student

Both the statements are true and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
@Ishita - keep posting.!!

​​​​​Human skin in impermeable to gases and water loss through it is minimized. Humans require more oxygen to maintain their high metabolic rates than lower animal , so they need a more extensive respiratory surface. Thus a complex respiratory system has evolved in humans to meet this need. Human respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity ,pharynx , larynx , trachea, bronchi , bronchiole and lungs.


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Mammalian skin in impermeable so that water loss through it is minimized. But mammals need far more oxygen to maintain their high metabolic rates than lower animal , so they need a more extensive respiratory surface. Thus a complex respiratory system has evolved in mammals to meet this need. the mammalian respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity ,pharynx , larynx , trachea, bronchi , bronchiole and lungs.
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