Answer the question please i don't know this question

Dear Student ,

Please find below the solution to the asked query :

Let the number of diamond stones serena had = xNumber of diamond stones john had = 45-xNow,They sold 5 stones each.Number of diamond stones now serena have=x-5Number of diamond stones now john have=45-x-5=40-xProduct of remaining stones=124x-5 40-x=12440x-x2-200+5x=124-x2+45x-200-124=0-x2+45x-324=0x2-45x+324=0x2-36x-9x+324=0x x-36 -9 x-36=0x-9 x-36=0x-9=0  or  x-36=0x=9  or  x=36Case-Ix=9Serena had 9 stones and john had 36 stones.Case-IIx=36Serena had 36 stones and john had 9 stones.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic .

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