Answer the following question:-
The British originally came as a small trading company. How were they reluctant to acquire territories? How then did they come to be masters of a vast empire?

Dear Student,

The following points may help you to understand , how British from a company emerged  as a vast empire and why it was important to gain territories after initial reluctancy:

a.British rule in India was initially represented by East India Company which was primarily a trading corporation, however with the industrial revolution and growing British economic interests, the British empire indulged in territorial expansion establishing political control as well over these areas, thus emerging as a Colonial Power where it extended its influence and power.
b. The British after eliminating rival companies established monopoly over trade in India and were granted exclusive farman to trade in India.

c. During the reign of Aurangzeb, the company was granted concessions that allowed them to trade freely without any duties and that enabled them to expand their trade in Bengal.This also helped company to consolidate its position in the country.
d. However,  In order to serve their economic interests, it became imperative for the colonial rulers to  bring about political changes in the country, to consolidate their rule . 
e.  Political control over the country also helped in expanding further  trade and provided ready markets for goods manufactured in Britain.
f. It became important for them to control territories to tap the interiors of the country, to gain resources and also later to expand market for their goods.
g. The British thus, followed number of policies that enabled them to gain firm foothold in the country, like Subsidiary alliance,doctrine of lapse which helped in expanding its influence.
h. Gradually, they brought about number of political and administrative changes and also introduced railways, and mode of transportation to extend their influence.
i. All these factors contributed in British emerging as a vast empire.


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In starting of 18th century
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