Alok receivesRS10000 per month on selling toys and RS6000 on raw materials.Find the ratoi of

1. the expenditure to the income;
2. total money received to the income;
3. income to the total money received.

Answer :

Given  : Alok receives Rs . 10000 per month on selling toys and spent Rs. 6000 on raw materials.


Income of Alok  =  10000 - 6000 =  Rs . 4000

1 ) Ratio of expenditure to the income : ExpenditureIncome = 60004000 = 32 , So

Expenditure : income =  3 : 2

2 ) Ratio of  total money received to the income : Total money receivedIncome = 100004000 = 52 , So

Total money received : income =  5 : 2

3 ) Ratio of  income to the total money received : IncomeTotal money received = 400010000 = 25 , So

Income : Total money received =  2 : 5

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