'A' takes 3 hours more than 'B' to walk a distance of 30km. But, if 'A' doubles his pace he is ahead of 'B' by 1.5 hrs. Find the speed of 'A' and 'B'?


  • -15
  • -16
Impressed by ur answer 😘
  • -16
when electric circuit offers very low resistence to the flow current through it, the current increases heavily and the circuit is said to be short circuited
when live wire touches neutral wire it occurs this happens due to the change in insulation of the power lines.
I =H/2RT
  • -16
that's not a question, I guess..
  • -10
Abe samir ali .Question padh le phir answer de
  • -4
yes see the question and answer or go to tution
  • 0
Let speed of A be x and speed of B be y. Time taken by A = 30/x Time taken by B = 30/y According to question , 30/x = 30/y +3 - eq1 30/y - 30/2x = 3/2 - eq 2 By solving eq 1 & 2 X= 10/3 km/h Y= 5 km/h
  • -6
This is the answer ..in convenient form ...I hope so

  • 5
  • -4
Sameer ali are u drunk or something else
  • -3
Answer is

  • -1
What are you looking for?