A paragraph on Pollution in adout 100-150 words

pollution is a major defect of our environment.they causes harm to our resources.these pollutions were air pollution water pollution.noise pollution.so,to protect our environment stop pollution

                                                                                                                               from shabnam
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Hi Harleen Sivya
Paragraph  on Pollution

Pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet today, yet many people continue to turn a blind eye thinking that it’s not that serious.
Pollution as is described is the addition of substances to the environment faster that the environment can dispose, recycle, decompose, or store in a harmless state.
There are different types of pollution and includes water, soil, air, and sound pollution and all these continue to cause major problems. In our quest to better, our lives we forget or rather ignore the negative impacts such deeds can have on the environment.
Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet
The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.
Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.
The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk
According to scientists, it’s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.
Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.
We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now.
Hope this helps  you !!
Thumbs up please !!
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How  can we improve our creative writing?
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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system.

Water Pollution

Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.

Proper treatment of pollutants before their introduction to the water bodies is of utmost importance to mitigate the growing water pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.

Massive deforestation should be immediately stopped since it has altered the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Industrial and vehicle law relating to air pollution should be properly implemented.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the excessive sound that may cause harm to the humanity. The sources of indoor noise pollution are machines, television, music activities. The external sources of noise pollution are industries, vehicles, trains, etc.

Noise control measures such as noise barriers, smooth roadways, etc. can be introduced to reduce the pollution.

Thermal Pollution

The excessive use of water as coolant in heavy industries and power plants cause change in the temperature of water in lakes, ponds and rivers beyond normal limits. This is called Thermal Pollution.


The principal cause behind this pollution is ‘exploitation of nature’. The environmental laws across the globe make an attempt to control pollution. But people are accustomed to break the law.

Since we all know the causes of these hazards, we should behave responsibly towards the environment as an attempt to control pollution.

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you can write the advantages and disadvantages of pollution
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i mean causes of pollution
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Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet

The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.


Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.

The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk

According to scientists, it’s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.

Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.

We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now.

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google is best for it
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It's allways best if you write on your own but if you need any real help, you can check out some reference books .
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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system. Water Pollution

Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.

Proper treatment of pollutants before their introduction to the water bodies is of utmost importance to mitigate the growing water pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.

Massive deforestation should be immediately stopped since it has altered the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Industrial and vehicle law relating to air pollution should be properly implemented.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the excessive sound that may cause harm to the humanity. The sources of indoor noise pollution are machines, television, music activities. The external sources of noise pollution are industries, vehicles, trains, etc.

Noise control measures such as noise barriers, smooth roadways, etc. can be introduced to reduce the pollution.

Thermal Pollution

The excessive use of water as coolant in heavy industries and power plants cause change in the temperature of water in lakes, ponds and rivers beyond normal limits. This is called Thermal Pollution.


The principal cause behind this pollution is ‘exploitation of nature’. The environmental laws across the globe make an attempt to control pollution. But people are accustomed to break the law.

Since we all know the causes of these hazards, we should behave responsibly towards the environment as an attempt to control pollution.

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pollution the term suggests POLLUTED NATION. pollution is of 4 major types 
1.air pollution

The main sources of air pollution in India and elsewhere are mineral dust and gases, automobiles, thermal power plants and industries. Any contamination in the air may not only cause many diseases and loss of vision but can also disturb the whole atmospheric system. Air pollution can also cause acid rain which damages soil, vegetation and aquatic life of the region.

Contamination of water from any external source that makes it harmful to life is known as water pollution. With the fast industrial development and modem civilization, the problem of water pollution is increasing day by day. The major sources of water pollution are domestic effluents, agricultural effluents, sewage disposal, industrial wastes, radioactive wastes and oil leakages, etc.

All the Indian rivers, including the holy river Ganga, have become highly polluted today. Even, the Ganga Action Plan to control its water from pollution has not been proved successful. The impact of water pollution is widespread. It causes many severe water-borne diseases, such as diarrhea, trachoma, intestinal norms, hepatitis, jaundice, etc.

All sounds are not noise. Noise is any sound that is unwanted and goes beyond its certain limit, i.e., above 80 decibels Harsh sounds of lightening and thunder, noise produced by machines, automobiles, railways, aero planes and the blaring sound of loudspeakers and some musical instruments come under the category of noise pollution.

More and more noise is the creation of modern civilization and has now become a major environmental pollutant, specially in urban areas. The most notable effect of noise pollution is on hearing. It may cause total loss of hearing that may result in the reduction of worker’s efficiency.
POLLUTION IS NOT ONLY THE POLLUTION OF AIR WATER etc. it can also be within the heart of people like what a person thinks of another. and its most common in the new generations of india like us.if someone said us one single word we try to punch him/her back. without thinking is itn't our mistake. we dont like to say sorry not even thanku we always try to point out our oppenets to that we could win. we always think that the oppenets can be punched out in a simple manner. we dont want to struggle to win.its not that that everyone is like this but many are like this only...
have a nice day
thumbs up plz
​hope it helps


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The word pollution has been derived from the Latin word pollution, which means to make dirty. Pollution is the process of making the environment land water and air dirty by adding harmful substances to it. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. This imbalance has threatened the very survival of all forms of life. It is a threat to the whole world. India ranks a low 125 out of 132 countries in the Environmental performance Index 2012. This report is produced by the researchers of Yale and Columbia University in association with the World Economic Forum.

Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development and the Green Revolution have adversely affected the environment. People have converted the life supporting system of the entire living world into their own resources and have vastly disturbed the natural ecological balance. Serious degradation and depletion have been caused due to the overuse, misuse and mismanagement of resources to meet the human greed.

Environment pollution is defined as the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings. It is a by product of man’s activities which directly or indirectly are responsible  for the changes in environment. These changes could be in the physical chemical or biological characteristics of land air or water that harm human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialization deforestation unplanned urbanization scientific and tech logical advancement etc.  The major causes of environmental pollution. Nearly 35 percent of India total land area is subjected to serious environmental pollution. Three fourths of the earth consists of water yet there is scarcity of potable water. In India allay the sources of water lie rivers lakes ponds and wells have been polluted and are unfit for drinking. As a result of the increased use of fertilizers, the rivers seas and oceans have become contaminated with harmful pollutants.

Industrialization has led to urbanization. The migration of rural population to the cities in search of work has created an unhealthy environment. It has led to overcrowding and establishment of slum areas. Towns and cities are full of smoke ,fumes dirt dust rubbish gases foul smell and noise.


Nuclear explosions and nuclear tests also pollute the air. The spread of radioactive materials into the air has increased. This radioactive pollution may cause cancers, abnormal births and mutations in men.

The Taj Mahal in Agra is affected by the fumes emitted by the Mathura refinery. Reports estimate that the monument would get defaced within a span of twenty years because of the harmful effluents of the emission from the refinery.

Water pollution adversely changes the quality of water. It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water becomes polluted by the presence or addition of inorganic and organic or biological substances. Industrial effluents which are dumped into the rivers further add to the water pollution levels.

Soil pollution usually results from the disposal of solid and semi solid wastes from agricultural practices and from insanitary habits. The soil gets heavily polluted by hazardous materials and micro organisms, which enter the food chain or water and create numerous health problems.

The emission of greenhouse gases has led to climatic changes. The increase in pollution has resulted in global warming. Global warming is an average increase in the Earth temperature due to greenhouse effect as a result of both natural and human activity. The term climate is often used interchangeably the term global warming. The ice caps in the polar regions have begun to melt fast. This has resulted in the rise of the water level of the seas and oceans. Grass sprouting in Antarctica and snowfall in the desert of the united Arab emirates are all the warning signals of global warning.

Pollution causes different types of diseases. Air pollution causes allergies asthma lung cancer and bronchitis. Radioactive pollutants cause respiratory problems paralysis cancer and other disease .Excessive noise pollution can lead to deafness anxiety stress increase in the rate of heartbeat and other health problems.

In order to fight this menace of pollution vigorous efforts should be made the anti pollution law should be strictly implemented. In order to check water pollution sewage and the factory waste should be planted everywhere and vehicles should be made eco friendly.

Public education and awareness of the relationship between climate change and human health is a key to deal with these problems more effectively.

General awareness is a must to save our planet from destruction. All the nations of the world should work united to control environmental pollution.

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The spaces between the constituent particles in gases are higher than in liquids. Thus, the particles in gases possess higher kinetic energy and move with higher speeds. Because of this, diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids.
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Pollution, also called environmental pollution, the addition of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or any form of energy (such as heat, sound, or radioactivity) to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled, or stored in some harmless form. The major kinds of pollution are (classified by environment) air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution. Modern society is also concerned about specific types of pollutants, such as noise pollution, light pollution, and even plastic pollution.Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.
(I) Non-degradable pollutants:
These are the materials and poisonous substances like aluminum cans, mercuric salts, long-chain phenolics, DDT etc. that either do not degrade or degrade only very slowly in nature. They are not cycled in ecosystem naturally. They not only accumulate but are often biologically magnified with their subsequent movement in food chains and biogeochemical cycles.
(II) Biodegradable pollutants:
They are the domestic wastes that can be rapidly decomposed under natural conditions. They may create problems when they accumulate in one place for a longer time.

Hope this will be essential to you !!!
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very good
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The burning of coal and wood, and the presence of many horses in concentrated areas made the cities the primary sources of pollution. The Industrial Revolution brought an infusion of untreated chemicals and wastes into local streams that served as the water supply. King Edward I of England banned the burning of sea-coal by proclamation in London in 1272, after its smoke became a problem.[4][5] But the fuel was so common in England that this earliest of names for it was acquired because it could be carted away from some shores by the wheelbarrow.

It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. London also recorded one of the earlier extreme cases of water quality problems with the Great Stink on the Thames of 1858, which led to construction of the London sewerage system soon afterward. Pollution issues escalated as population growth far exceeded view ability of neighborhoods to handle their waste problem. Reformers began to demand sewer systems, and clean water.[6]

In 1870, the sanitary conditions in Berlin were among the worst in Europe. August Bebel recalled conditions before a modern sewer system was built in the late 1870s:

"Waste-water from the houses collected in the gutters running alongside the curbs and emitted a truly fearsome smell. There were no public toilets in the streets or squares. Visitors, especially women, often became desperate when nature called. In the public buildings the sanitary facilities were unbelievably primitive....As a metropolis, Berlin did not emerge from a state of barbarism into civilization until after 1870."[7]

The primitive conditions were intolerable for a world national capital, and the Imperial German government brought in its scientists, engineers and urban planners to not only solve the deficiencies but to forge Berlin as the world's model city. A British expert in 1906 concluded that Berlin represented "the most complete application of science, order and method of public life," adding "it is a marvel of civic administration, the most modern and most perfectly organized city that there is."[8]

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Pollution is a bane for society or life. All sorts of pollutions like air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, noise pollution, food pollution have been affecting greatly the dwellers.

The sources or origins of pollution are described in short details:

Air Pollution:


Air is one of the most important elements of our environment for our survival. It is a natural gift and a free asset. It is polluted in many ways. Land vehicles use oil and fuel which create smoke. The smoke gets mixed with air and thus pollutes air. Mills, factories and industries are also held responsible for air pollution because they create smoke. Polluted air contains CO2, CO, NO2, SMP, SO2 and oxides of lead. Excessive rise of gases and chemical pollute air. People are to breathe and inhale polluted air in most cases.

Water Pollution:

Water is also one of the survival elements for the living beings. Water is polluted by the garbage of mills, factories and industries in most cases. Sometime, farmers use insecticide and fertilizers excessively. The drinking of this polluted water is detrimental to life and health.


Food Pollution:

Most Food and snacks ready for sale at the pavement, street corner alongside the road are uncovered and dirty. They are cooked with polluted air. People are tempted to eat and taste them because of their habit and greed. These unhygienic foods are also harmful for our health.

Sound Pollution:

Sound pollution is very common to all. The noise of vehicles, mills, factories, industries are really boring and unbearable. This also causes dull of hearing, headache, mental agony, tension, mental imbalance and migraine.


To fight against these pollutions, we must ensure some steps. We must stop polluting the air by smoke. For that, we have to reduce the amount of petrol driven cars and vehicles on the road. If possible, we should have to avoid lead oxide. We must plant more and more tree. We should cultivate fresh vegetables so that we can reduce food pollution. We should not hear songs with a loud volume on the sound box. We should also stop the mill, factory or industry owners to build these in the city. These should be made in a planned way.

With this end in view the Environmental Protection Act should be made, passed and implemented to make environment free from being polluted. People should be made full of awareness of bad-effects of air pollution. Thus, we can protect our nature.

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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system.

Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.

Proper treatment of pollutants before their introduction to the water bodies is of utmost importance to mitigate the growing water pollution.​

Air Pollution

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.

Massive deforestation should be immediately stopped since it has altered the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Industrial and vehicle law relating to air pollution should be properly implemented.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the excessive sound that may cause harm to the humanity. The sources of indoor noise pollution are machines, television, music activities. The external sources of noise pollution are industries, vehicles, trains, etc.

Noise control measures such as noise barriers, smooth roadways, etc. can be introduced to reduce the pollution.

Thermal Pollution

The excessive use of water as coolant in heavy industries and power plants cause change in the temperature of water in lakes, ponds and rivers beyond normal limits. This is called Thermal Pollution.

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ollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the world.
  • Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.


  • Light pollution: includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference.
  • Littering: the criminal throwing of inappropriate man-made objects, unremoved, onto public and private properties.
  • Noise pollution: which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.
  • Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE,[21]herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
  • Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in the environment.)
  • Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.
  • Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris.
  • Water pollution, by the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters; discharges of untreated domestic sewage, and chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters (including urban runoff and agricultural runoff, which may contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides); waste disposal and leaching into groundwater; eutrophication and littering.
  • Plastic pollution: involves the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans.
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pollution is bad, like really bad, like actually, really bad, its almost the worst. i'm not even joking, its pretty bad, i swear if u pollute, its gonna be bad. you feel me? i threw a peice of paper on the floor and i was too lazy to pick it up so i walked away, next thing i know WHAM!!! i get hit in the back of the head with a football. dont pollute.
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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the                
Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Proper treatment of pollutants before their introduction to the water bodies is of utmost importance to mitigate the growing water pollution.

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.

Massive deforestation should be immediately stopped since it has altered the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Industrial and vehicle law relating to air pollution should be properly implemented.

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Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the world.[2]

Air pollution has always accompanied civilizations. Pollution started from prehistoric times when man created the first fires. According to a 1983 article in the journal Science, "soot" found on ceilings of prehistoric caves provides ample evidence of the high levels of pollution that was associated with inadequate ventilation of open fires."[3] Metal forging appears to be a key turning point in the creation of significant air pollution levels outside the home. Core samples of glaciers in Greenland indicate increases in pollution associated with Greek, Roman and Chinese metal production,[4] but at that time the pollution was comparatively small and could be handled by nature.[citation needed]
  • Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.


  • Light pollution: includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference.
  • Littering: the criminal throwing of inappropriate man-made objects, unremoved, onto public and private properties.
  • Noise pollution: which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.
  • Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE,[21] herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
  • Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in the environment.)
  • Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.
  • Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris.
  • Water pollution, by the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters; discharges of untreated domestic sewage, and chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters (including urban runoff and agricultural runoff, which may contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides); waste disposal and leaching into groundwater; eutrophication and littering.
  • Plastic pollution: involves the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans.

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Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the world. he burning of coal and wood, and the presence of many horses in concentrated areas made the cities the primary sources of pollution. The Industrial Revolution brought an infusion of untreated chemicals and wastes into local streams that served as the water supply. King Edward I of England banned the burning of sea-coal by proclamation in London in 1272, after its smoke became a problem.[5][6] But the fuel was so common in England that this earliest of names for it was acquired because it could be carted away from some shores by the wheelbarrow. It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. London also recorded one of the earlier extreme cases of water quality problems with the Great Stink on the Thames of 1858, which led to construction of the London sewerage system soon afterward. Pollution issues escalated as population growth far exceeded view ability of neighborhoods to handle their waste problem. Reformers began to demand sewer systems, and clean water.[7] In 1870, the sanitary conditions in Berlin were among the worst in Europe. August Bebel recalled conditions before a modern sewer system was built in the late 1870s: "Waste-water from the houses collected in the gutters running alongside the curbs and emitted a truly fearsome smell. There were no public toilets in the streets or squares. Visitors, especially women, often became desperate when nature called. In the public buildings the sanitary facilities were unbelievably primitive....As a metropolis, Berlin did not emerge from a state of barbarism into civilization until after 1870."[8] The primitive conditions were intolerable for a world national capital, and the Imperial German government brought in its scientists, engineers and urban planners to not only solve the deficiencies but to forge Berlin as the world's model city. A British expert in 1906 concluded that Berlin represented "the most complete application of science, order and method of public life," adding "it is a marvel of civic administration, the most modern and most perfectly organized city that there is. The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular contaminant relevant to each of them: Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5. Light pollution: includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference. Littering: the criminal throwing of inappropriate man-made objects, unremoved, onto public and private properties. Noise pollution: which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar. Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE,[21] herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in the environment.) Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant. Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris.
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WATER POLLUTION: Water Pollution

Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.


Air Pollution

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.


Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the excessive sound that may cause harm to the humanity. The sources of indoor noise pollution are machines, television, music activities. The external sources of noise pollution are industries, vehicles, trains, etc.

Noise control measures such as noise barriers, smooth roadways, etc. can be introduced to reduce the pollution.


Thermal Pollution

The excessive use of water as coolant in heavy industries and power plants cause change in the temperature of water in lakes, ponds and rivers beyond normal limits. This is called Thermal Pollution.

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Pollution is nothing but "too much of something at wrong place" and environmental pollution is generally defined as the unfavorable alternations of our surroundings through the various actions of man himself. The undesirable and excessive substances that are released As., the by-products of man's actions, can affect air, water and land and adversely and alter the natural quality of our environment. Substances that are responsible for the alternations of environment are called pollutants and the total chain of actions as "environmental pollution". Hence it is nobody else than man himself is the real cause of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can be well understood if we study its sources and effects. There are pollutions of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive wastes. The study of each type will give the real picture.
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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system.

Water Pollution

Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.


Proper treatment of pollutants before their introduction to the water bodies is of utmost importance to mitigate the growing water pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.

Massive deforestation should be immediately stopped since it has altered the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Industrial and vehicle law relating to air pollution should be properly implemented.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the excessive sound that may cause harm to the humanity. The sources of indoor noise pollution are machines, television, music activities. The external sources of noise pollution are industries, vehicles, trains, etc.

Noise control measures such as noise barriers, smooth roadways, etc. can be introduced to reduce the pollution.

Thermal Pollution

The excessive use of water as coolant in heavy industries and power plants cause change in the temperature of water in lakes, ponds and rivers beyond normal limits. This is called Thermal Pollution.


The principal cause behind this pollution is ‘exploitation of nature’. The environmental laws across the globe make an attempt to control pollution. But people are accustomed to break the law.

Since we all know the causes of these hazards, we should behave responsibly towards the environment as an attempt to control pollution.

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Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the world.
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The word pollution has been derived from the Latin word pollution, which means to make dirty. Pollution is the process of making the environment land water and air dirty by adding harmful substances to it. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. This imbalance has threatened the very survival of all forms of life. It is a threat to the whole world. India ranks a low 125 out of 132 countries in the Environmental performance Index 2012. This report is produced by the researchers of Yale and Columbia University in association with the World Economic Forum.

Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development and the Green Revolution have adversely affected the environment. People have converted the life supporting system of the entire living world into their own resources and have vastly disturbed the natural ecological balance. Serious degradation and depletion have been caused due to the overuse, misuse and mismanagement of resources to meet the human greed.

Environment pollution is defined as the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings. It is a by product of man’s activities which directly or indirectly are responsible  for the changes in environment. These changes could be in the physical chemical or biological characteristics of land air or water that harm human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialization deforestation unplanned urbanization scientific and tech logical advancement etc.  The major causes of environmental pollution. Nearly 35 percent of India total land area is subjected to serious environmental pollution. Three fourths of the earth consists of water yet there is scarcity of potable water. In India allay the sources of water lie rivers lakes ponds and wells have been polluted and are unfit for drinking. As a result of the increased use of fertilizers, the rivers seas and oceans have become contaminated with harmful pollutants.

Industrialization has led to urbanization. The migration of rural population to the cities in search of work has created an unhealthy environment. It has led to overcrowding and establishment of slum areas. Towns and cities are full of smoke ,fumes dirt dust rubbish gases foul smell and noise.

Nuclear explosions and nuclear tests also pollute the air. The spread of radioactive materials into the air has increased. This radioactive pollution may cause cancers, abnormal births and mutations in men.

The Taj Mahal in Agra is affected by the fumes emitted by the Mathura refinery. Reports estimate that the monument would get defaced within a span of twenty years because of the harmful effluents of the emission from the refinery.

Water pollution adversely changes the quality of water. It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water becomes polluted by the presence or addition of inorganic and organic or biological substances. Industrial effluents which are dumped into the rivers further add to the water pollution levels.

Soil pollution usually results from the disposal of solid and semi solid wastes from agricultural practices and from insanitary habits. The soil gets heavily polluted by hazardous materials and micro organisms, which enter the food chain or water and create numerous health problems.

The emission of greenhouse gases has led to climatic changes. The increase in pollution has resulted in global warming. Global warming is an average increase in the Earth temperature due to greenhouse effect as a result of both natural and human activity. The term climate is often used interchangeably the term global warming. The ice caps in the polar regions have begun to melt fast. This has resulted in the rise of the water level of the seas and oceans. Grass sprouting in Antarctica and snowfall in the desert of the united Arab emirates are all the warning signals of global warning.

Pollution causes different types of diseases. Air pollution causes allergies asthma lung cancer and bronchitis. Radioactive pollutants cause respiratory problems paralysis cancer and other disease .Excessive noise pollution can lead to deafness anxiety stress increase in the rate of heartbeat and other health problems.

In order to fight this menace of pollution vigorous efforts should be made the anti pollution law should be strictly implemented. In order to check water pollution sewage and the factory waste should be planted everywhere and vehicles should be made eco friendly.

Public education and awareness of the relationship between climate change and human health is a key to deal with these problems more effectively.

General awareness is a must to save our planet from destruction. A ll the nations of the world should work united to control environmental pollution.... 

   hope it helps...^_^

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the above answers are useful.
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Air pollution in one form or another has accompanied human society from the beginning. Cooking over a wood/ dung cake fire often creates a smoky, unhealthy living environment. Today, many Third World cities and even entire rural valleys are blanketed by smoky haze, the poor man’s smog. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many cities of Europe and the US were covered with black shrouds of smoke. Despite the successes registered against smoke, the pollution of city air by other products of coal combustion (above all, Sulphur dioxide) and by nitrous oxides, hydrocarbons, petroleum wastes, and carbon mon oxide continues to worsen in most of the countries. Strong evidence indicates that prevailing levels of air pollution contribute to the development of chronic respiratory diseases (emphysema, asthma, and chronic bronchitis) besides short-term respiratory afflictions as well. And those living near smelters and refineries often face increased cancer risks because of the toxic substances spewing from smoke-stacks. Rising concern about the physical discomfort and reduced visibility caused by pollution, and rising evidence of the damage being wreaked on crops and materials, joined health considerations to spur enactment of new anti~ pollution laws. Over the last 25 years, many countries have begun trying to regulate the flow of pollutants in the air, Air pollution can no longer be addressed as simply a local urban problem. The presence in water of ‘micro-pollutants’-toxic chemicals and metals—and of disease-causing micro-organisms has increased over the years. Thermal pollution of water. ways is also causing increased concern. In general, pollution from so-called point sources like sewage pipes and factories is under progressively better control. But the contamination of waterways from diffuse sources-run-off from farmlands which tends to carry fertilizers, pesticides, and organic matter, and from urban areas, which often carries oil, metals, and other pollutants-remains largely uncontrolled and is on the increase in most countries. Acids and heavy metals falling with the rain constitute additional sources of water degradation. The problem of water pollution is growing day-by-day; today a great many people are deprived of disease-free potable water, as almost all the sources of water-from seas to wells-are increasingly being infested with different kinds of pollutants.
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The term ?pollution? has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system.
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Environmental pollution is the condition when the natural cycle of our environment gets disturbed and harms us. Some harmful environmental contaminants created by us in the form of smoke, solid or liquid wastes get intermingled into the environment and pollute it. It is only human who can check the environmental pollution by limiting their bad activities. Each and every person here is responsible for the environmental pollution in indirect way. Unknowingly we all are creating problems and challenges to the environment. Some bad chemical compositions which we use on daily basis get intermingled into the environment and disturb its natural functioning and natural processes which directly affect our health. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent living being on the earth however it never means that they should interfere with the nature’s law of ecological balance. Our environment and we, both are incomplete without the helps of each other. We should try our best to maintain the healthy environment in order to continue the natural processes easily.
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air pollution ,water pollution , land pollution
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Pollution is when something is added to the environment harmful or poisonous to all living things. Smoke or dust in the air is a type of pollution . Sewage in drinking water is another type of pollution, containing germs and viruses. There are 3 kinds of pollution: water pollution, land pollution, and air pollution. As pollution grows, ways to combat it have grown too. Solar energy and wind energy give people other ways to power their homes. When people use these alternative forms of energy, they put less carbon dioxide into the environment. [1]
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Pollution is the addition of substances to the environment in quantities that are harmful to living beings. It can be of different types. It can be in form of enery and chemical substances.  
Major contributors of pollution are emission of toxic gases from factories and vehicles, toxic and unprocessed toxic water waste from manufacturing companies, untreated discharge of wastes of factories and households in lakes and rivers, oil spilling from ships, burning of household garbage and many more. Not only big companies but every individual is contributing in increasing pollution.
Every single person can work for lowering the pollution. As an individual, we must avoid using car when travelling alone; using public transport can reduce air pollution. By dumping waste in the government provided areas for waste disposal can lower air pollution. Using paper bags over plastic bags, recycling the household materials, planting trees are some of the other practices that we must follow.
There are many things that we can still do to make our environment healthy again. We all must stand together to stop the pollution before the damage become permanent. 

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the presence of introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.pollution occurs i  different form ,they are soil ollution,water pollution,radioactive pollutionnoise pollution ,thermal pollution, air pollution,wind pollution and light pollution, etc.. . every form of pollution has two types of sources they -point and non point sources.the point sources are easy to hanle,control and moniter.whereas,non point sources are hard to control.
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Pollution has become a major environmental issue as it has created lots of health hazards to the people and animals of any age group. In the recent years the rate of pollution is increasing very sharply because of the industrialized waste material mixing out directly into the soil, air and water. However, in our country full attention is not getting paid to control it. It needs to be tackle seriously otherwise our future generations would suffer a lot.

Pollution is classified into many categories according to the natural resources getting affected such as air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. Rate of pollution is increasing due to the selfishness of the human being to earn more money and to fulfill some unnecessary wishes. In the modern era where technological advancement is given more priority by the people, everyone has forgotten the real discipline of life.

Continuous and unnecessary cutting down of the forests, urbanization and large production through industrialization has involved as a huge causes of the pollution. Harmful and poisonous wastes created from such activities causes irreversible changes to the soil, air and water which ultimately push lives towards pain. This big social issue needs a public level social awareness programme to destroy by its root to get complete relief.

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Pollution is when something is added to the environment harmful or poisonous to all living things. Smoke or dust in the air is a type of pollution . Sewage in drinking water is another type of pollution, containing germs and viruses. There are 3 kinds of pollution: water pollution, land pollution, and air pollution.

As pollution grows, ways to combat it have grown too. Solar energy and wind energy give people other ways to power their homes. When people use these alternative forms of energy, they put less carbon dioxide into the environment. 

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The word pollution has been derived from the Latin word pollution, which means to make dirty. Pollution is the process of making the environment land water and air dirty by adding harmful substances to it. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. This imbalance has threatened the very survival of all forms of life. It is a threat to the whole world. India ranks a low 125 out of 132 countries in the Environmental performance Index 2012. This report is produced by the researchers of Yale and Columbia University in association with the World Economic Forum.

Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development and the Green Revolution have adversely affected the environment. People have converted the life supporting system of the entire living world into their own resources and have vastly disturbed the natural ecological balance. Serious degradation and depletion have been caused due to the overuse, misuse and mismanagement of resources to meet the human greed.

Environment pollution is defined as the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings. It is a by product of man’s activities which directly or indirectly are responsible  for the changes in environment. These changes could be in the physical chemical or biological characteristics of land air or water that harm human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialization deforestation unplanned urbanization scientific and tech logical advancement etc.  The major causes of environmental pollution. Nearly 35 percent of India total land area is subjected to serious environmental pollution. Three fourths of the earth consists of water yet there is scarcity of potable water. In India allay the sources of water lie rivers lakes ponds and wells have been polluted and are unfit for drinking. As a result of the increased use of fertilizers, the rivers seas and oceans have become contaminated with harmful pollutants.

Industrialization has led to urbanization. The migration of rural population to the cities in search of work has created an unhealthy environment. It has led to overcrowding and establishment of slum areas. Towns and cities are full of smoke ,fumes dirt dust rubbish gases foul smell and noise.

Nuclear explosions and nuclear tests also pollute the air. The spread of radioactive materials into the air has increased. This radioactive pollution may cause cancers, abnormal births and mutations in men.

The Taj Mahal in Agra is affected by the fumes emitted by the Mathura refinery. Reports estimate that the monument would get defaced within a span of twenty years because of the harmful effluents of the emission from the refinery.

Water pollution adversely changes the quality of water. It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water becomes polluted by the presence or addition of inorganic and organic or biological substances. Industrial effluents which are dumped into the rivers further add to the water pollution levels.

Pollution causes different types of diseases. Air pollution causes allergies asthma lung cancer and bronchitis. Radioactive pollutants cause respiratory problems paralysis cancer and other disease .Excessive noise pollution can lead to deafness anxiety stress increase in the rate of heartbeat and other health problems.

In order to fight this menace of pollution vigorous efforts should be made the anti pollution law should be strictly implemented. In order to check water pollution sewage and the factory waste should be planted everywhere and vehicles should be made eco friendly.

Public education and awareness of the relationship between climate change and human health is a key to deal with these problems more effectively.

General awareness is a must to save our planet from destruction. A ll the nations of the world should work united to control environmental pollution.

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Pollution is when something is added to the environment harmful or poisonous to all living things. Smoke or dust in the air is a type of pollution . Sewage in drinking water is another type of pollution, containing germs and viruses. There are 3 kinds of pollution: water pollution, land pollution, and air pollution.

As pollution grows, ways to combat it have grown too. Solar energy and wind energy give people other ways to power their homes. When people use these alternative forms of energy, they put less carbon dioxide into the environment.

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write it your own by your own creativity
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Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment which exists around us and helps in normal living. Any type of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes insecurity, health disorders and discomfort in normal living. It disorganizes the natural systems and thus disturbs the nature’s balance.

The pollutants or elements of pollution are foreign substances or waste materials created by the human beings and pollute the natural resources like air, water or soil etc. The chemical nature, concentration and long persistence of the pollutants continually disturbs the ecosystem for years. The pollutants can be poisonous gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic compounds and radioactive materials.

As we all know that our environment is very necessary for our healthy existence on the earth. A healthy environment depends on the good habits of human beings and the circumstances we create. Human, animal, plants, earth and environment are indirectly connected to each other and necessary for the existence of healthy life here.

However, by any means if our environment gets affected negatively, creates lots of problems and many challenges in living a simple and healthy life. Our environment acts as a natural world for us and provides a protection to us from the natural calamities. However, it becomes helpless in protecting us if we disturbs its natural cycle and force it to harm us.

Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several lungs disorders.

In this way soil and water pollution is also cause by the mixing up of the sewage water (having germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water, some dangerous agrochemicals such as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, organic compounds like ether, benzene, some radioactive materials including radium and thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc. We need to follow all the control measures implemented by the government to check its harmful effects.

Environmental pollution is the condition when the natural cycle of our environment gets disturbed and harms us. Some harmful environmental contaminants created by us in the form of smoke, solid or liquid wastes get intermingled into the environment and pollute it. It is only human who can check the environmental pollution by limiting their bad activities. Each and every person here is responsible for the environmental pollution in indirect way. Unknowingly we all are creating problems and challenges to the environment.

Some bad chemical compositions which we use on daily basis get intermingled into the environment and disturb its natural functioning and natural processes which directly affect our health. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent living being on the earth however it never means that they should interfere with the nature’s law of ecological balance. Our environment and we, both are incomplete without the helps of each other. We should try our best to maintain the healthy environment in order to continue the natural processes easily.


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Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in America and as well as the world. Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and solutions for this issue.?

Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while its running. And of course the most famous??show more content??

American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one. They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves.?

The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams, lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not to return for at least a century.
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pollution is bad, like really bad, like actually, really bad, its almost the worst. i'm?not even joking, its pretty bad, i swear if u pollute, its gonna be bad. you feel me? i threw a peice?of paper on the floor and i was too lazy to pick it up so i walked away, next thing i know WHAM!!! i get hit in the back of the head with a football. dont?pollute.
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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system.

Water Pollution

Water Pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies such as water, sea, lakes, ocean, etc. It happens when pollutants are discharged into water without proper treatment. The organic sources of water pollution are food-processing wastes, tree debris, etc. The inorganic sources are acidic industrial discharge, silt, etc.


Proper treatment of pollutants before their introduction to the water bodies is of utmost importance to mitigate the growing water pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is introduction of chemicals to the atmosphere. It damages environmental balance and causes several diseases.  The major causes include massive deforestation, atomic explosions, old vehicles, industrial fumes, etc.

Massive deforestation should be immediately stopped since it has altered the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Industrial and vehicle law relating to air pollution should be properly implemented.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the excessive sound that may cause harm to the humanity. The sources of indoor noise pollution are machines, television, music activities. The external sources of noise pollution are industries, vehicles, trains, etc.

Noise control measures such as noise barriers, smooth roadways, etc. can be introduced to reduce the pollution.

Thermal Pollution

The excessive use of water as coolant in heavy industries and power plants cause change in the temperature of water in lakes, ponds and rivers beyond normal limits. This is called Thermal Pollution.


The principal cause behind this pollution is ‘exploitation of nature’. The environmental laws across the globe make an attempt to control pollution. But people are accustomed to break the law.

Since we all know the causes of these hazards, we should behave responsibly towards the environment as an attempt to control pollution.

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Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment which exists around us and helps in normal living. Any type of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes insecurity, health disorders and discomfort in normal living. It disorganizes the natural systems and thus disturbs the nature’s balance.

The pollutants or elements of pollution are foreign substances or waste materials created by the human beings and pollute the natural resources like air, water or soil etc. The chemical nature, concentration and long persistence of the pollutants continually disturbs the ecosystem for years. The pollutants can be poisonous gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic compounds and radioactive materials.

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The term ‘pollution’ has gained a wider significance in recent years. Pollution refers to the release of chemical or substances into the environment that is injurious for human, animal and plant life. The water, air, noise and other forms of pollution in one terminology is known as the pollution of the eco-system.


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Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several lungs disorders.

In this way soil and water pollution is also cause by the mixing up of the sewage water (having germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water, some dangerous agrochemicals such as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, organic compounds like ether, benzene, some radioactive materials including radium and thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc. We need to follow all the control measures implemented by the government to check its harmful effects.
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check it on google 
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Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment which exists around us and helps in normal living. Any type of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes insecurity, health disorders and discomfort in normal living. It disorganizes the natural systems and thus disturbs the nature’s balance.

The pollutants or elements of pollution are foreign substances or waste materials created by the human beings and pollute the natural resources like air, water or soil etc. The chemical nature, concentration and long persistence of the pollutants continually disturbs the ecosystem for years. The pollutants can be poisonous gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic compounds and radioactive materials.

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Dude forget them just play pubg
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Pollution :-pollutuon is a type of bomb destroy amd make bad environment.
Pollution are many types such as air pollution ,water polution ,noise polluution,soil pollution etc. First of all we start water plooution :- In this pollution about the water .The water has polluted .
Sorry student i didnot complete my phragraph because i gave an urgent work.
I give complete pharagraph aftee some time. Ok
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Pollution is a bane for society or life. All sorts of pollutions like air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, noise pollution, food pollution have been affecting greatly the dwellers.

The sources or origins of pollution are described in short details:

Air Pollution:


Air is one of the most important elements of our environment for our survival. It is a natural gift and a free asset. It is polluted in many ways. Land vehicles use oil and fuel which create smoke. The smoke gets mixed with air and thus pollutes air. Mills, factories and industries are also held responsible for air pollution because they create smoke. Polluted air contains CO2, CO, NO2, SMP, SO2?and oxides of lead. Excessive rise of gases and chemical pollute air. People are to breathe and inhale polluted air in most cases.


Water Pollution:

Water is also one of the survival elements for the living beings. Water is polluted by the garbage of mills, factories and industries in most cases. Sometime, farmers use insecticide and fertilizers excessively. The drinking of this polluted water is detrimental to life and health.


Food Pollution:

Most Food and snacks ready for sale at the pavement, street corner alongside the road are uncovered and dirty. They are cooked with polluted air. People are tempted to eat and taste them because of their habit and greed. These unhygienic foods are also harmful for our health.

Sound Pollution:

Sound pollution is very common to all. The noise of vehicles, mills, factories, industries are really boring and unbearable. This also causes dull of hearing, headache, mental agony, tension, mental imbalance and migraine.


To fight against these pollutions, we must ensure some steps. We must stop polluting the air by smoke. For that, we have to reduce the amount of petrol driven cars and vehicles on the road. If possible, we should have to avoid lead oxide. We must plant more and more tree. We should cultivate fresh vegetables so that we can reduce food pollution. We should not hear songs with a loud volume on the sound box. We should also stop the mill, factory or industry owners to build these in the city. These should be made in a planned way.

With this end in view the Environmental Protection Act should be made, passed and implemented to make environment free from being polluted. People should be made full of awareness of bad-effects of air pollution. Thus, we can protect our nature.
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Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the world.
Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.

Light pollution: includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference.
Littering: the criminal throwing of inappropriate man-made objects, unremoved, onto public and private properties.
Noise pollution: which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.
Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in the environment.)
Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.
Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris.
Water pollution, by the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters; discharges of untreated domestic sewage, and chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters (including urban runoff and agricultural runoff, which may contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides); waste disposal and leaching into groundwater; eutrophication and littering.
Plastic pollution: involves the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans.
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Pollution is nothing but "too much of something at wrong place" and environmental pollution is generally defined as the unfavorable alternations of our surroundings through the various actions of man himself. The undesirable and excessive substances that are released As., the by-products of man's actions, can affect air, water and land and adversely and alter the natural quality of our environment. Substances that are responsible for the alternations of environment are called pollutants and the total chain of actions as "environmental pollution". Hence it is nobody else than man himself is the real cause of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can be well understood if we study its sources and effects. There are pollutions of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive wastes. The study of each type will give the real picture.
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Pollution english praghph
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Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several lungs disorders.?
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The main sources of air pollution in India and elsewhere are mineral dust and gases, automobiles, thermal power plants and industries. Any contamination in the air may not only cause many diseases and loss of vision but can also disturb the whole atmospheric system. Air pollution can also cause acid rain which damages soil, vegetation and aquatic life of the region.

Contamination of water from any external source that makes it harmful to life is known as water pollution. With the fast industrial development and modem civilization, the problem of water pollution is increasing day by day. The major sources of water pollution are domestic effluents, agricultural effluents, sewage disposal, industrial wastes, radioactive wastes and oil leakages, etc.

All the Indian rivers, including the holy river Ganga, have become highly polluted today. Even, the Ganga Action Plan to control its water from pollution has not been proved successful. The impact of water pollution is widespread. It causes many severe water-borne diseases, such as diarrhea, trachoma, intestinal norms, hepatitis, jaundice, etc.

All sounds are not noise. Noise is any sound that is unwanted and goes beyond its certain limit, i.e., above 80 decibels Harsh sounds of lightening and thunder, noise produced by machines, automobiles, railways, aero planes and the blaring sound of loudspeakers and some musical instruments come under the category of noise pollution.

More and more noise is the creation of modern civilization and has now become a major environmental pollutant, specially in urban areas. The most notable effect of noise pollution is on hearing. It may cause total loss of hearing that may result in the reduction of worker?s efficiency.
POLLUTION IS NOT ONLY THE POLLUTION OF AIR WATER etc. it can also be within the heart of people like what a person thinks of another. and its most common in the new generations of india like us.if someone said us one single word we try to punch him/her back. without thinking is itn't our mistake. we dont like to say sorry not even thanku we always try to point out our oppenets to that we could win. we always think that the oppenets?can be punched out in a simple manner. we dont want to struggle to win.its not that that everyone is like this but many are like this only.
Hope it helps you!
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A pollution is a smoky;waste water air pollution it is very bad for our peacefull environment
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Please check on google
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All sorts are problems like noise pollution , air pollution , water pollution they all sorts of disease is very dangerous .
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Artical on Tsunami
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Hi I am ?$|-|M?t

Paragraph on pollutin

Pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet today, yet many people continue to turn a blind eye thinking that it?s not that serious.
Pollution as is described is the addition of substances to the environment faster that the environment can dispose, recycle, decompose, or store in a harmless state.
There are different types of pollution and includes water, soil, air, and sound pollution and all these continue to cause major problems. In our quest to better, our lives we forget or rather ignore the negative impacts such deeds can have on the environment.
Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet
The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.
Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.
The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk
According to scientists, it?s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.
Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.
We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now.
Hope this helps? you !!
Thumbs up please !!
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Pollution contributes to the harmful environment that results in adverse effect on living beings. It is one of the major concern areas for the whole world. It is a global issue involving the United Nations, governments, voluntary institutions and the media.

Students need to be made fully aware of the adverse effects of rising pollution. Also, being the future generation, they can play a vital role in controlling pollution if they are familiar with this threat to the survival of mankind.

Anything added into the environment that results in producing harmful or poisonous effect on living things is called pollution. Pollution?is the process that makes nature?s resources such as land, water, air or other parts of the environment unsafe or unsuitable to use. Pollution can be of many types:? soil, air, water, thermal, radioactive, noise, and light. The toxins released are inhaled by each one of us while we breathe.

Pollution and its Causes

Inhaling poisonous air is as hazardous as smoking. It is not only the humans who are affected from this polluted environment but also the animals. Air is filled with highly toxic gases. These dangerous gases in environment are released by the power industries that burn fossil fuels, industries that dispose wastes in the water, farmers using pesticides, high usage of artificial lights and loud sounds, etc. Each of these leads to generation of the life threatening cause ? pollution.
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Moral story a tale of two birds
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Pollution refers to the presence or introduction of harmful or toxic substances into the environment. In this case environment refers to all natural living and non living things those surround us. Forests, water bodies, air, oceans all constitute our natural environment and, any foreign substance that compromises their purity and longevity is termed as ?Pollution?.

As per the recent 2018 EPI (Environmental Performance Index) statistics, India ranks 177 out of 180 countries in terms of air quality and overall environmental health; that?s a steep fall from 141st rank in 2016.

India is followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo on 178th rank, Bangladesh on 179th and Burundi on 180th. Top five nations with the best EPI index are Switzerland, France, Denmark, Malta and Sweden respectively.
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Pollution is contamination of land, air and water. Motor vehicles are in abundance in big cities as well as there are numerous factories and industries also. Motor vehicles emit carbon monoxide and hydro­carbons. The factories contaminate air by smoke. Noise of factories results in sound pollution and waste of factories pollutes water and land. Delhi is third most polluted city in the world. Pollution here is three times the permissible limit. It may be nine times in eight years if some efforts are not made. Plastic is another big nuisance causing pollution. It never decays. If we burn it. It pollutes air. If we dump it into river or sea it pollutes water. Chemical fertilizers used by farmers are another source of pollution to land and water. In order to check pollution the polluted water from factories should be treated before it is disposed of in rivers. Plastic and other material should be recycled. New techniques should be adopted in motor vehicles. These measures can solve the problem of pollution.Pollution is contamination of land, air and water. Motor vehicles are in abundance in big cities as well as there are numerous factories and industries also. Motor vehicles emit carbon monoxide and hydro­carbons. The factories contaminate air by smoke. Noise of factories results in sound pollution and waste of factories pollutes water and land. Delhi is third most polluted city in the world. Pollution here is three times the permissible limit. It may be nine times in eight years if some efforts are not made. Plastic is another big nuisance causing pollution. It never decays. If we burn it. It pollutes air. If we dump it into river or sea it pollutes water. Chemical fertilizers used by farmers are another source of pollution to land and water. In order to check pollution the polluted water from factories should be treated before it is disposed of in rivers. Plastic and other material should be recycled. New techniques should be adopted in motor vehicles. These measures can solve the problem of pollution.

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Pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet today, yet many people continue to turn a blind eye thinking that it?s not that serious.
Pollution as is described is the addition of substances to the environment faster that the environment can dispose, recycle, decompose, or store in a harmless state.
There are different types of pollution and includes water, soil, air, and sound pollution and all these continue to cause major problems. In our quest to better, our lives we forget or rather ignore the negative impacts such deeds can have on the environment.
Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet
The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.
Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.
The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk
According to scientists, it?s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.
Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.
We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now.
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Why were ancient methods of measuring time discarded
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You will see this paragraph on Google.
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I our day to day life we see more pollution because if daily things are required more pollution will be done the more pollution is done by industry factory because we means of the farmers use harmful chemical s to the plants and it get evaporate through the vapour . It is harmful for us . We need to care for
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environment pollution
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Pollution is contamination of land, air and water. Motor vehicles are in abundance in big cities as well as there are numerous factories and industries also. Motor vehicles emit carbon monoxide and hydro?carbons. The factories contaminate air by smoke. Noise of factories results in sound pollution and waste of factories pollutes water and land. Delhi is third most polluted city in the world. Pollution here is three times the permissible limit. It may be nine times in eight years if some efforts are not made. Plastic is another big nuisance causing pollution. It never decays. If we burn it. It pollutes air. If we dump it into river or sea it pollutes water. Chemical fertilizers used by farmers are another source of pollution to land and water. In order to check pollution the polluted water from factories should be treated before it is disposed of in rivers. Plastic and other material should be recycled. New techniques should be adopted in motor vehicles. These measures can solve the problem of pollution
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You make something by yourself
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Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet

The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.


Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.

The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk

According to scientists, it’s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.

Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.

We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now

  • 1

Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet

The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.


Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.

The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk

According to scientists, it’s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.

Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.

We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now...........

  • 1

Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet

The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.


Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.

The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk

According to scientists, it’s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.

Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.

We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now.

  • 1

Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet

The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.


Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.

The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk

According to scientists, it’s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.

Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.

We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now..

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Mfmdm fmem fmf flf cmd fme fne nf end dmd cme cmnd d d d d d s s s sns cmc ck cndk cmf cnfmdnff cdcx fnd cnd cnd cnd cnnd d dnd d d d. D fndn. Dnfm cnnmc c kcnd. Mnnd c dn fbd d d
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The word pollution has been derived from the Latin word pollution, which means to make dirty. Pollution is the process of making the environment land water and air dirty by adding harmful substances to it. Pollution causes imbalance in the environment. This imbalance has threatened the very survival of all forms of life. It is a threat to the whole world. India ranks a low 125 out of 132 countries in the Environmental performance Index 2012. This report is produced by the researchers of Yale and Columbia University in association with the World Economic Forum.

Environmental pollution is a serious problem of the industrialized societies. The industrial development and the Green Revolution have adversely affected the environment. People have converted the life supporting system of the entire living world into their own resources and have vastly disturbed the natural ecological balance. Serious degradation and depletion have been caused due to the overuse, misuse and mismanagement of resources to meet the human greed.

Environment pollution is defined as the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings. It is a by product of man’s activities which directly or indirectly are responsible  for the changes in environment. These changes could be in the physical chemical or biological characteristics of land air or water that harm human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialization deforestation unplanned urbanization scientific and tech logical advancement etc.  The major causes of environmental pollution. Nearly 35 percent of India total land area is subjected to serious environmental pollution. Three fourths of the earth consists of water yet there is scarcity of potable water. In India allay the sources of water lie rivers lakes ponds and wells have been polluted and are unfit for drinking. As a result of the increased use of fertilizers, the rivers seas and oceans have become contaminated with harmful pollutants.

Industrialization has led to urbanization. The migration of rural population to the cities in search of work has created an unhealthy environment. It has led to overcrowding and establishment of slum areas. Towns and cities are full of smoke ,fumes dirt dust rubbish gases foul smell and noise.

Nuclear explosions and nuclear tests also pollute the air. The spread of radioactive materials into the air has increased. This radioactive pollution may cause cancers, abnormal births and mutations in men.

The Taj Mahal in Agra is affected by the fumes emitted by the Mathura refinery. Reports estimate that the monument would get defaced within a span of twenty years because of the harmful effluents of the emission from the refinery.

Water pollution adversely changes the quality of water. It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water becomes polluted by the presence or addition of inorganic and organic or biological substances. Industrial effluents which are dumped into the rivers further add to the water pollution levels.

Soil pollution usually results from the disposal of solid and semi solid wastes from agricultural practices and from insanitary habits. The soil gets heavily polluted by hazardous materials and micro organisms, which enter the food chain or water and create numerous health problems.

The emission of greenhouse gases has led to climatic changes. The increase in pollution has resulted in global warming. Global warming is an average increase in the Earth temperature due to greenhouse effect as a result of both natural and human activity. The term climate is often used interchangeably the term global warming. The ice caps in the polar regions have begun to melt fast. This has resulted in the rise of the water level of the seas and oceans. Grass sprouting in Antarctica and snowfall in the desert of the united Arab emirates are all the warning signals of global warning.

Pollution causes different types of diseases. Air pollution causes allergies asthma lung cancer and bronchitis. Radioactive pollutants cause respiratory problems paralysis cancer and other disease .Excessive noise pollution can lead to deafness anxiety stress increase in the rate of heartbeat and other health problems.

In order to fight this menace of pollution vigorous efforts should be made the anti pollution law should be strictly implemented. In order to check water pollution sewage and the factory waste should be planted everywhere and vehicles should be made eco friendly.

Public education and awareness of the relationship between climate change and human health is a key to deal with these problems more effectively.

General awareness is a must to save our planet from destruction. A ll the nations of the world should work united to control environmental pollution.... 

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A short paragraph on pollution
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Hlo sir good morning
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Nowadays pollution is a big problem in the world !many people and many companies are searching and creating new problem and strategies for avoiding pollution also the government is trying to find a solution so if important to know what we are doing with our world the effect of pollution are a lot but the main ones are the ozone pollution the death of the than illnesses ozone pollution is the biggest problem ozone pollution is really increase in the concentration of the ozone is produced when sunlight combines with hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide two components by car trucks factory and power generating plant and found where gasline disel natural gas are company so that gases are going to effect our life so we need to try to avoid pollutipn
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The word pollution was derived from the Latin word pollution, which means to make dirty.?Pollution?2?is the process of making the environment pollute the water and the air by adding harmful substances. Pollution causes an imbalance in the environment. This imbalance threatened the very survival of all forms of life. It?s a threat to the whole world. India ranks at the bottom of the 125 of the 132 countries in the 2012 Environmental Performance Index. This report is produced by researchers at Yale and Columbia University in association with the World Economic Forum.Pollution of the environment is a serious problem of industrialized societies. Industrial development and the green revolution have had a negative impact on the environment. People have converted the life support system of all living people into their own resources and have greatly disrupted the natural ecological balance. Serious degradation and depletion have been caused due to overuse, abuse and mismanagement of resources to meet human greed.

Environmental pollution is defined as the adverse alteration of our environment. It is a by - product of human activities that directly or indirectly responsible of the changes in the environment. These changes could be in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air or water that are harmful to human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialization, deforestation, unplanned urbanization, scientific and technological advancement, etc. The main causes of environmental pollution. About 35% of India?s total area is seriously polluted. Three-quarters of the land is water, but there is a shortage of drinking water. In India, water sources are found in ponds and river lakes have been polluted and are unfit for consumption. Due to the increased use of fertilizers, seas and oceans have been contaminated with harmful pollutants
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kya Sevan
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The world population is increasing at a very fast pace. The last five to six decades have especially seen a tremendous growth in the human population. There are several reasons for the same. One of the main reasons for this is the development in the field of medical science that has brought down the death rate. Another reason is the growing birth rate especially in the poor and developing countries. Lack of education and lack of family planning are among the top reasons for the high birth rate in these countries.
Ironically, while the human population is increasing rapidly, the population of animals and birds is decreasing by the day. In an attempt to satisfy their needs, the humans are cutting down on forests that serve as a shelter for the wild animals. Several species of animals and birds have been impacted due to this. The growing pollution due to the ever increasing traffic and the establishment of various industries is another reason for the decrease in population of the fauna. This is because it is having a negative impact on the weather.
It is time the governments of the countries with high population must take strict measures to control the same else our planet will no longer be fit for the survival of the mankind.
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Pollution is a major issue for all over the world due to the rise of technology the rise of pollution also increases. The pollution is also affecting the global warming and the climate change.
It is of many types as like :
. Air pollution
. Water pollution
. Noise pollution etc
It is necessary to stop the increasing amount of pollution to feel the original nature.
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Hope this helps you!!!!!!!

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Air pollution:is factories,of other people's
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pollution has now became the cause of our society . this is all increasing because of factories and many other reasons as you all know that pollution is badly effecting our environment by decreasing  
the rate of oxygen and increase in pollution as it is also effecting our nature due to it global warming is increasing , and because of global warming it has became a big gap in our ozone layer
which is very harmful for us as it causes skin cancer , stroke , hair loss and many more. so it is a request from to you all to stop polluting our environment.
thanks , be safe at home.
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The poet implies that we do not respect nature or its gift to us do you agree? Justify your answer
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by cutting trees and harming our enviroment
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Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several lungs disorders.

In this way soil and water pollution is also cause by the mixing up of the sewage water (having germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water, some dangerous agrochemicals such as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, organic compounds like ether, benzene, some radioactive materials including radium and thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc. We need to follow all the control measures implemented by the government to check its harmful effects.

If u like.. mark as best.
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150Word yes
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it missed a day celebrated
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I mean 50
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what happened to this India we are saying that India is a popular in state that India have more pollution like in schools colleges offices wherever we go there will be pollution because of this improvement there are many side effects like pollution India can be popular but without the pollution because of this many of them are getting asthma and different problems so we all should avoid plastic because if we use plastic it will go to the dust bin and it will be fired because of this fire there pollution will be formed . So please avoid plastic and save earth . Thank you
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write a paragraph on discipline
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Write a few lines about your favourite fast food.

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We ... went
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6 - 1
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Pollution is when something is added to the environment harmful or poisonous to all living things polluted water or garbage in the water bodies is a types of pollutions in other words, pollution means a sudden change in the environment due to emission such as carbon monoxide etc.,.


*Air pollution

*water pollution

*soil pollution

*noise pollution

*radioactive pollution

*light pollution

*thermal pollution

*visual pollution
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Pollution?is a significant threat to our environment and is caused by the reckless attitude of man towards nature. Our Earth provides us with food and shelter, whereas we treat it mercilessly and plunder its resources. Pollution is a direct result of our greed. We dump waste into our water bodies without caring for the organisms living in them. The balance of various gases in the atmosphere has been disrupted because of the large number of vehicles plying on the road. Even factories that release harmful gases into the atmosphere contribute to air pollution. When we do excessive and uncontrolled farming on a piece of land, it loses its natural minerals. So, when we use fertilizers to boost their productivity, it pollutes the soil. Noise pollution is caused by factories, jets, airplanes, etc. It harms our ears and can impair hearing.
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Class 7th science ka chapter 7

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why did the writer agree to get his car washed
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Pollution is the addition of unwanted substances into the environment that can damage our Earth. There are 4 main types of Pollution; water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. All kinds of Pollution are a result of careless activities by man. We dump waste directly into water bodies, which results in water pollution. Air pollution is caused when vehicles release smoke into the atmosphere and make it difficult to breathe for all organisms. Soil pollution is caused by directly dumping our waste into landfills. Noise pollution is not visible, but it is a dangerous form of Pollution that can damage our ears.
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The word?pollution?was derived from the Latin word?pollution, which means to make dirty.?Pollution?is the process of making the environment pollute the water and the air by adding harmful substances.?Pollution?causes an imbalance in the environment. This imbalance threatened the very survival of all forms of life.
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If I were you I would search in google
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Pollution is a term which even kids are aware of these days. It has become so common that almost everyone acknowledges the fact that pollution is rising continuously. The term ?pollution? means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign substance in something. When we talk about pollution on earth, we refer to the contamination that is happening of the natural resources by various?pollutants. All this is mainly caused by human activities which harm the environment in ways more than one. Therefore, an urgent need has arisen to tackle this issue straightaway. That is to say, pollution is damaging our earth severely and we need to realize its effects and prevent this damage. In this essay on pollution, we will see what are the effects of pollution and how to reduce it.
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Our environment is affecting day by day due to pollution. There are various types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, land pollution, etc. Pollution is destroying nature. Some are man-made pollution while others are natural pollution. The smoke emitted from the factories' chimneys, from vehicles is a mixture of poisonous gases. Due to environmental pollution, the worst sufferers are plants and animals. They are extinct every day.  No flora and fauna are safe here. Some animals are already on the list of endangered species. Due to water pollution, Marine species are also dying.

Paragraph on Environmental Pollution 100, 150, 200 & 300 words for Kids, Students, and Children


Paragraph on Environmental Pollution: Environmental Pollution is one of the major and serious threats nowadays. It is degrading the environment of Earth every time. The lifestyle of an individual is one of the reasons for causing Pollution. The harmful pollutants are mixing with our environment and degrading the quality.

You can read more Paragraphs Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph on Environmental Pollution – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, and 3 Kids

Environmental Pollution means pollution which is degrading the environment. Pollution is increasing day by day and so global warming is also increasing. Due to environmental pollution, there is an imbalance in nature so many birds, animals, and plants are on the verge of extinction day by day. The harmful smoke emits from the factories is mixed with the air and increasing the pollution every time. The only way we can get rid of environmental pollution is to plant more and more trees. We all dream of a beautiful home, our nation too dreams of a beautiful environment.

Paragraph on Environmental Pollution - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, and 3 Kids

Paragraph on Environmental Pollution – 150 words for Class 4 & 5 Children

Our environment is affecting day by day due to pollution. There are various types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, land pollution, etc. Pollution is destroying nature. Some are man-made pollution while others are natural pollution. The smoke emitted from the factories' chimneys, from vehicles is a mixture of poisonous gases. Due to environmental pollution, the worst sufferers are plants and animals. They are extinct every day.  No flora and fauna are safe here. Some animals are already on the list of endangered species. Due to water pollution, Marine species are also dying.

The temperature is increasing and global warming is also increasing. The only way to eradicate environmental pollution is to plant many trees. By planting trees, we can get rid of many harmful poisonous gases. If the earth becomes green again, pollution can be reduced and breathe the fresh air.

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Pollution has become a very common yet serious issue in today?s world. It has been there for a long time even before human evolution such as volcanic eruption, wildfire which lead to various photochemical reactions in the atmosphere. The current concern is that it is rising day by day due to various resources of pollutants. And, one of the pollutants is human and human-created machines. It is to say that pollution is damaging the mother earth severely and we, humans, should play our part to prevent it from happening.
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@Yashfeen Try to practice one or more than that everyday. If you practice, day by day you will feel that it is interesting to express your views while writing. Don't under write nor overwrite. Sorry for answering 6 years later. 
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Pollution has rattled the natural order of our ecosystems and has brought heavy consequences to Earth?s inhabitants. The major reason for Pollution is the unchecked and illegal activities that misuse natural resources and don?t follow guidelines set by the pollution control boards across the country. Anything that causes Pollution is known as a pollutant. It can be a solid, liquid, or even gas. No matter what state the pollutant is in, it can have devastating effects on our natural ecosystem if it is left unchecked.

Water pollution forms a major category of Pollution and has become an urgent crisis in many countries. We cannot survive without water. So, when most of the water bodies will dry up or get chocked, the human population will come to an end. The next big form of Pollution is air pollution. It is mainly caused by toxic exhumes from vehicles and the burning of coal for electricity.

Soil pollution is witnessing an unexpected rise in recent times owing to the mass deforestation and illegal farming activities in tropical forests. Another significant yet largely ignored form of Pollution is noise pollution. The high decibel noises coming out from jets and airplanes contribute to noise pollution. It damages our eardrums and, in extreme cases, causes deafness.
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Pollution has rattled the natural order of our ecosystems and has brought heavy consequences to Earth?s inhabitants. The major reason for Pollution is the unchecked and illegal activities that misuse natural resources and don?t follow guidelines set by the pollution control boards across the country. Anything that causes Pollution is known as a pollutant. It can be a solid, liquid, or even gas. No matter what state the pollutant is in, it can have devastating effects on our natural ecosystem if it is left unchecked.

Water pollution forms a major category of Pollution and has become an urgent crisis in many countries. We cannot survive without water. So, when most of the water bodies will dry up or get chocked, the human population will come to an end. The next big form of Pollution is air pollution. It is mainly caused by toxic exhumes from vehicles and the burning of coal for electricity.Soil pollution is witnessing an unexpected rise in recent times owing to the mass deforestation and illegal farming activities in tropical forests. Another significant yet largely ignored form of Pollution is noise pollution. The high decibel noises coming out from jets and airplanes contribute to noise pollution. It damages our eardrums and, in extreme cases, causes deafness
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Hi Harleen Sivya
Paragraph? on Pollution

Pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet today, yet many people continue to turn a blind eye thinking that it?s not that serious.
Pollution as is described is the addition of substances to the environment faster that the environment can dispose, recycle, decompose, or store in a harmless state.
There are different types of pollution and includes water, soil, air, and sound pollution and all these continue to cause major problems. In our quest to better, our lives we forget or rather ignore the negative impacts such deeds can have on the environment.
Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but affects the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce for a better planet
The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it. Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality of life significantly.
Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are dangerous and exposes us to various elements that cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic diseases.
The major problem brought about by pollution is global warming which has resulted to changes in the global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on what to expect on the different seasons unlike before. Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under great risk
According to scientists, it?s not too late to take action we can take measures to prevent any further damage and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better planet.
Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting the environment. We can all do things better to ensure we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our future generations. Simple things such as saving electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials, recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.
We should all aim to better our planet by the simple things we do. Take action now.
Hope this helps? you !!
Thumbs up please !!
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Antibodies (also known as Immunoglobulins) are proteins. They bind to any foreign organisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungus and further stimulate our immune system to release toxins that may kill these organisms. These are released by B- lymphocytes of the human body.?

An antibody is a Y-shaped structure comprising four polypeptides i.e. two heavy chains and two light chains. The structure is such so as to allow the antibodies to perform their dual functions of?antigen binding and mediation of biological activity.?
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Kgsjtsutsjfvxiggd been a long time ago and I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I am not sure if you???? are what you
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