A man observes that when he moves up a distance c metres on a slope, the angle of depression of a point on the horizontal plane from the base of the slope is 30°, and when he moves up further a distance c metres, the angle of depression of that point is 45°. The angle of inclination of the slope with the horizontal is:-

Dear student,

Figure to represent the given information will be:

Applying m - n theorem of trigonometry, we get:(c + c) cot(Θ - 30°) = c cot 15° - c cot 30°cot(Θ - 30°) = 12sin(30° - 15°)sin 15° sin 30°cot(Θ - 30°)= 121sin 30° = 1 = cot 45°Θ - 30° = 45°Θ = 75°

So, angle of inclination if the slope with horizontal will be 75°.


  • 12
Is this how it looks in a VR Headset ??
  • -3
it is quite confusing
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