a car moves with a speed of 40km/h for 15 minutes then with a speed of 60 km/h for next 15 minutes.find the total distance covered by the car in these 30 minutes.

For the first part of journey,

Speed=40km/h and time=15min=1/4 hour

Using ,speed=distance/time

Distance=40 x 1/4=10km

For the second part of journey,

Speed=60km/h and time=15 min=1/4 hour

Then distance=60 x 1/4=15 km

Total distance travelled in whole journey=10+15=25 km

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Since the car at first travels at a speed of 40 Km/Hr for 15 mins and then at the speed of 60 kms/Hr for next 15 mins.

The the average speed of the car = (40 + 60) / 2 = 100/2 = 50 Kms/Hr. = 50 Kms/60 mins = 56/60 = 0.833334 Kms/Min

So the distance travelled by the Car in 30 mins = 0.833334 x 30 = 25 Kms.

Ans: 25 kms.

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