A box is filled with 71 candies of the following flavours:
Lemon, raspberry, orange and grapes
There are twice as many lemon as raspberry candies. The orange flavoured candy count is one less than the raspberry count. And there are 6 less grape candy than lemon candy. How many candies are there in the box?

4 flavours of candies are there, they are raspberry, lemon, orange and grapes. 
Let , the no. of raspberry candies be - x
Then , the no. of lemon candies be - 2*x= 2x
​The no. of orange candies be - (x-1)
The no. of grape candies be - (2x-6)
The expression be ~> x+2x+(x-1)+(2x-6) = 71
=> x+2x+x-1+2x-6= 71
=> x+2x+x+2x-1-6= 71
=> 6x - 7 = 71
=> 6x = 71+7 = 78
=> x =78/6 = 13
=> x=13 
As per question --
Number of raspberry candies = 13
Number of lemon candies = (2*13)= 26
Number of orange candies = (13-1)=12
Number of grapes candies = (2*13-6)=20

Ans:- The number of lemon, raspberry, orange and grapes candies are 13, 26 ,12 and 20 respectively.

  • 0
The qusetion is wrong dear, I think it will be , 'How many candies of each flavour are there in the box ? '.
If not then the answer to your question is - There are all total 71 candies in the box.
  • -2
What are you looking for?