​​a box contains 6 black and 4 white balls. If a ball is taken from it, what is the probability of it being black? And the probability of it being white?

Number of black balls = 6Number of white balls = 4Total number of balls = 6 + 4 = 10Total number of possible outcomes = 101.Number of black balls = 6Number of favourable outcomes = 6Pgetting a black ball = Number of favourable outcomesTotal number of possible outcomes = 610 = 0.62.Number of white balls = 4Number of favourable outcomes = 4Pgetting a white ball = Number of favourable outcomesTotal number of possible outcomes = 410 = 0.4

  • 2
what balls 
  • -1
  • 0
Hi Alaih,
The ans is
3/5 and 2/5
Regards.. :)
  • 0
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