22) The ploidy of zygospore, elaters, cycas endosperm, Archegonium and Archesoporium  are.
1) 2n, n, n, n, 2n
2) 2n, n, n, n, n
3) n, n, n, n, 2n
4) 2n, 2n, n, n, 2n

Dear Student,

Option (1) is the correct answer. 

The ploidy of following is given as: 

Zygospores: 2n 
Zygospores are formed by the fusion of haploid cells, therefore, they have diploid reproductive life cycle. 

Elaters: n
Elater is an elongated, spirally thickened structure of the plant that is responsible for the dispersion of spores. Elater is haploid in nature. These are found in liverworts. 

Cycas endosperm: n

Archegonium: n
Archegonium is the female reproductive organ which is found in ferns, mosses, and various gymnosperms. It is also haploid in nature which fuses with the haploid male gametophyte to produce a diploid offspring. 

Archesporium: 2n
It is diploid in nature. The haploid megaspores are formed from the diploid archesporial cell by the process of meiosis. 


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