1.triangles in which all the angles are equal.
if all the angles in a triangle are equal,then its sides are also-
2.triangles in which all the three sides are equal.
if all the sides in a triangle are equal are equal,then its angles are-
3.triangles which have two equal angles and two equal sides.
if two sides of a triangle are equal,it has- equal angles.
and it two angles of a triangle are equal,it has- equal sides.
4.triangles in which no two sides are equal.
if none of the angles of a triangle are equal then none of these sides are equal.if the three sides of a triangle are unequal then,the three angles are also-

Dear Student,
quilateral triangle ,Equal
2-Equilateral triangle ,Equal​
3-Isosceles triangle​,two
4-Scalene triangle​, unequal

  • 1
I'm sorry but I didn't understand your question.
  • 0
1= equal      2= equal     3=  please explain again i dont understand     4= unequal
  • 2
What are you looking for?